Your Weekly Horoscope for December 12, 2021

Your Weekly Horoscopes for December 12, 2021
Your Weekly Horoscopes for December 12, 2021

Alex Sandoval

December's supposed to be filled with whimsical moments that take you out of the daily grind, but if one particular planet has its say this week, you'll also be feeling all sorts of sleepy and as though you're struggling to gain clarity. That planet is Neptune, which clouds rational thought and will form a tense square to the vitality-bringing sun as the week kicks off on Sunday, December 12.

Thankfully, on Monday, December 13, two planetary shifts can serve as wake-up calls. Messenger Mercury will move into industrious cardinal earth sign Capricorn, stepping up goal-oriented thinking and communication until January 2. And go-getter Mars lands in jovial mutable fire sign Sagittarius, fueling your inner party animal and infusing the holiday season with a welcome dose of free-spirited fun and adventure until January 24. (Related: The Best Astrology Gifts for Your Zodiac-Obsessed Friend)

And on Thursday, December 18, the last full moon of the year, falling in chatty Gemini, should be a welcome reprieve from the drama-packed lunar events we've had as of late, as it forms a sweet trine to abundance-bringing Jupiter in Aquarius. You'll be feeling idealistic and prepared to close an ongoing chapter and speak your dreams into being ahead of a new cycle — and year.

Want to know more about how you can personally take advantage of this week's astrological highlights? Read on for your sign's weekly horoscope. (Pro tip: Be sure to read your rising sign/ascendant, aka your social personality, if you know that, too. If not, consider getting a natal chart reading to find out.)

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth ?? and Relationships ??

The solar eclipse in your ninth house of adventure earlier this month likely felt like a wake-up call, nudging you to stop playing by the rulebook and strike out on your own for the sake of your spirit. Now, as action-oriented Mars, your ruler, kicks off its move through the same zone from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll be even more prepared to tune into and listen to your gut — then take any necessary leaps of faith. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon lights up your third house of communication and eleventh house of networking, you'll be feeling especially fortunate in regard to your friendships and collegial relationships. If you're open to it, you can absolutely get a little bit of help from your friends.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Your weekly highlights: Sex ?? and Money ??

Earlier this month, the solar eclipse turned your attention to your closest relationships, as it activated your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy. And from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, action-oriented Mars will be there, cranking up the volume on your sexual and emotional desires and craving for transformative experiences with someone special. The key to making the most of this transit will be getting more vulnerable. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon fires up your second house of income, you'll be prepared to take a stand to get what you deserve for your time, energy, and talents — whether that's more money, responsibility, a better title, or a new opportunity altogether.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships ?? and Personal Growth ??

Thanks to go-getter Mars moving through your seventh house of partnership from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll feel empowered to make progress on shared goals with a BFF, close colleague, or S.O. Leaning on one another's strengths sets you up for an even more fulfilling experience — and success — than you'd have if you were tackling the project solo. Around Saturday, December 18 when the full moon is in your sign, you'll likely be feeling a little more sensitive than usual but positive that the best way to lift your spirits is to get out of your comfort zone. An extraordinary experience — maybe an impromptu trip? — can offer clarity and space to process all the emotions you've been floating in lately.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness ?? and Personal Growth ??

You've been reflecting a ton lately on what you want your daily routine to look like moving forward, and thanks to go-getter Mars spending quality time there from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll be empowered to take serious steps to reforming any less-than-healthy habits. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon is in your twelfth house of spirituality, you'll find that carving out making room for legit "me time" — think meditating, resting, creating space to really tap into your intuition — has you feeling more clear and grounded on what you want to achieve and the steps you'll want to to take, particularly over the course of the next month, to get there. (See: How to Manifest Something You Really Want)

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Your weekly highlights: Love ?? and Relationships ??

Thanks to go-getter Mars in your fifth house of romance and self-expression from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll be energized to shift gears from putting your nose to the grindstone to having a lot more fun. You'll be in an especially flirty, lighthearted, creative headspace, prepared to get after whatever — or whoever — you've had your heart set on. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon in your eleventh house of networking forms a sweet trine to lucky Jupiter in your seventh house of partnership, you'll realize just how important it is to you to feel like part of a team. You may be capable of being a one-person band, but nurturing your connections is the secret to making your biggest dreams a reality.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your weekly highlights: Creativity ?? and Career ??

Your ruler, messenger Mercury, has been moving through your fourth house of home life for a while now, drawing your focus inward and emphasizing your already homebody-ish tendencies, but from Monday, December 13 to Sunday, January 2, it'll move through your fifth house of romance and self-expression, turning up the volume on your creative instincts and flirtatious, fun-loving side. This can be a pretty brilliant time to dive into that artistic project or tell someone special exactly how you've been feeling in your heart of hearts. And around December 18 when the full moon is in your tenth house of career, don't hesitate to step into the spotlight and propose a major long-term project to higher-ups. If taking the reins is your goal, trusting and believing in yourself even more now can lay the groundwork for a rewarding professional move.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

Your weekly highlights: Wellness ?? and Personal Growth ??

From Monday, December 13 to Sunday, January 2, messenger Mercury moves through your fourth house of home life, causing you to go inward (and that'll be even more the case while your ruler, sweet Venus, is retrograde there — but more on that next week). There's no shame in feeling less social and in more need of self-care time. And if you're going to spend time and exert energy on your bonds, be sure they're with VIPs. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon falls in your ninth house of adventure, you might be tempted to take a leap of faith to get out of the same old mundane routine. You're realizing that the current way you've been approaching your career or higher education isn't as fulfilling as it could be, and you need more stimulating, horizon-broadening experiences. You can trust your gut to lead the way.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Your weekly highlights: Career ?? and Love ??

You've been reflecting a lot lately on your moneymaking game plan, and while one of your co-rulers, gung-ho Mars, takes its trip through your second house of income from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll be inspired to envision a new way to bring your skill set to the table on the job. Chances are you've been feeling like you deserve more recognition for your efforts lately, and with the action planet on your side, you can make progress toward landing a more gratifying opportunity. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon is in your eighth house of emotional bonds and sexual intimacy, surface-level conversations just won't cut it. You'll want to go deep, be vulnerable, and connect with someone special in a deeply transformative way that can, in turn, boost your sense of security. (See: 50+ Deep, Flirty, and Romantic Questions to As k a Partner)

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your weekly highlights: Personal Growth ?? and Relationships ??

Your season is still in full swing, and finally, thanks to go-getter Mars moving through your sign from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you can take concrete action steps stemming from reflection you've been doing around long-term goals. Your energy will be downright fiery, so no matter what you've been wishing for, you have everything you need to make it happen. Then, around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon falls in your seventh house of partnership, you'll gain clarity around the balance in a close relationship. If you and a dear friend or S.O. haven't been meeting halfway, you'll be prepared to speak your truth.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your weekly highlights: Career ?? and Wellness ??

It might not be your SZN just yet, Cap, but, while the planet of communication, Mercury, moves through your sign from Monday, December 13 to Sunday, January 2, you'll find it's more effortless to verbalize what you've been envisioning for your future. Pitch that dream project to higher-ups, brush up your resume, or overhaul your public image so that it better reflects who you are on the inside. And around Saturday, December 18 when the full moon lands in your sixth house of wellness, you'll be feeling like you need to truly lock in the healthy habits that'll lead to that sense of balance you've been aiming for. Be gentle with yourself and use this time to research, trade notes with loved ones, and rest before moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose. (See: How to Crush Your Goals, According to Your Zodiac Sign)

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Your weekly highlights: Relationships ?? and Love ??

With go-getter Mars in your eleventh house of networking from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll be motivated to pour more energy into your platonic bonds, group projects, and humanitarian causes that are aligned with your long-term wishes. By getting involved in even more communal efforts, you'll feel more connected, supported, and inspired. And around Saturday, December 18 when the full moon falls in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, you'll be getting the message that it's time to put work on the back burner in order to embrace spontaneity and fun. Once you've decided you're done denying yourself time with friends or your S.O. that you've been hitting snooze on, you can have a seriously memorable — and emotionally satisfying — moment.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Your weekly highlights: Career ?? and Love ??

With go-getter Mars moving through your tenth house of career from Monday, December 13 to Monday, January 24, you'll have extra energy to channel into hitting professional goals. Just know that, especially in the wake of the solar eclipse that occurred in the same zone earlier this month, fighting for what you want in the same way you always have won't cut it anymore. It's time to redefine your path. And around Saturday, December 18, when the full moon falls in your fourth house of home life, you could be feeling torn between your work and commitments to loved ones. Instead of looking for answers from an external place, go inward. Because this moon's influenced greatly by your ruler, spiritual Neptune and because it forms a sweet trine to fortunate Jupiter in your twelfth house of spirituality, you'll want to tune into your intuition more than usual — and find it's easier to do so as well.