Your Weekly Horoscope: July 10 to July 16, 2023

Your horoscope for the week of July 10 to July 16 is here, and the stars are aligning to help you uncover the possibilities that lie ahead. Cancer season is in full swing, and the next few weeks will be filled with transformative potential. Emotions are guaranteed to run high during this time, and the cosmos want you to use those feelings to your advantage. Last week, the Full Moon in Capricorn brought some heavy but enlightening information to light. Now it’s time to embrace new demanding situations with confidence.

The week starts off with both Mars and Mercury making big moves into new territory, where they will stay for the next few weeks. Mars enters Virgo on July 10–which will bring a sense of practicality and seriousness to the work you do for the next few weeks. You’ll feel motivated to get a lot of work done in this short amount of time; just be careful not to sacrifice your physical and mental health for quick results. Take care of your emotional and spiritual well-being. Mars in Virgo can also result in frustrating or even nit-picky communication. Avoid getting into petty arguments and let your work do the talking.

You can expect some extra inspiration this week when Mercury moves into Leo on July 10. Mercury is the planet of communication and new ideas: and when Mercury spends time in a bold and passionate sign like Leo, you might find yourself stumbling into exciting new experiences. Your thirst for knowledge will be at an all-time high during this transit, making it an ideal time to get your hands dirty with a new project or passion. Stay observant and keep an open mind to new perspectives. All of this comes ahead of the New Moon in Cancer on July 17–which is sure to be a weird one.

Find your weekly horoscope below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign for the most accurate reading.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Are you ready to finally feel like yourself again, Aries? The last few weeks have felt frustrating for you. Normally, you like to move at a quick and decisive pace. However, the Full Moon in Capricorn slowed your roll and forced you to weigh your options carefully. Now, the decision has been made. With Mercury moving into Leo-you’re starting to feel hopeful about what comes next. Strike while the iron is hot, and don’t get too caught up in the details. Your strength comes in creative output and pure passion.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Has your head stopped spinning yet, Taurus? The Full Moon in Capricorn packed more of a punch than you might’ve anticipated. Things feel confusing right now: and that’s okay. Mars in Virgo is going to help you clean house and make room for more joy and pleasure. Stop relying on the idea of potential in order to justify unfulfilling relationships, situations, and friendships. Mercury in Leo wants you to get honest with yourself. Compromising what really matters to you will only leave you feeling cheated in the long run.

READ MORE: It’s Not Just A Phase: Here's What Your Moon Sign Says About Your Personality.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Good things are already in motion; keep it moving as usual this week, Gemini. Cancer season will go by relatively quickly for you, so just keep your head down and do what you gotta do. Mars in Virgo is a sage reminder that the glamorous aspects of life are supported by the day-to-day work. It’s not a sexy week for you, but you’ll be glad you focused on putting in the effort. Mercury in Leo will heat things up for you as the summer months continue and bring some exciting changes to your social circle during the next month, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re stronger than yesterday, Cancer. Emotions got pretty heavy last week, and the Full Moon in Capricorn had you leaning on your support system more than usual. There is strength in being vulnerable: and Mars moving into Virgo is the perfect time to ease into the new state of things. things are very fluid and in flux right now— so don’t be afraid to express your opinions. Your passion and leadership might inspire others to share, and together you can create a stronger foundation to elevate your dreams.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You've heard of déjà vu before, but this is getting ridiculous. You’re trying to make a clean getaway, but an old problem or past situation won’t let you live in peace! It’s not because you owe a karmic debt; it’s because you missed something important the first time around. When Mars moves into Virgo, your senses will feel heightened, and it’ll be easier for you to read between the lines. Try to observe more than you share during this time, and really listen. Sometimes the truth is subjective.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Is there an easier path forward? Sometimes you can get so settled into a routine that you forget to look for another way to accomplish your goals. Mars in Virgo wants you to get really specific with your dreams and desires for the future. Are you creating unnecessary barriers for yourself out of fear of failure? Or maybe you’re not sharing an idea out of fear of ridicule. Mercury in Leo wants you to fake it till you make it. Get creative, have fun, and play around with the possibilities.

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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Something feels different for you, Libra. Summertime is usually a sleepy season for your calm and collected energy. However, Mercury‘s move into Leo has you feeling like you need to stand up and say something. You’re making the rules up as you go this week, which is something you rarely do. Stop obsessing over having all the right things to say, and practice saying what’s on your mind because it feels right at the moment. Sure, you might screw up, but the benefits of authenticity outweigh your fear of looking foolish.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

When was the last time you updated your vision board? It can be so easy to forget why you’re doing the things you do in the first place. This month, the cosmos wants you to take another look at your long-term goals and see if your short-term actions are aligned. You don’t need to do a total rehaul: but Mars in Virgo is getting you a gentle nudge toward a lost passion or hobby that’s been on your mind. And Mercury in Leo will help you verbalize your desires. Don’t let your fear stop you from taking a chance.

READ MORE: Astrologers Say Moon Mapping Is The Best Manifestation Hack You’re Not Using.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You’re still riding out the waves from last week, but things will feel easier as you move into the next phase of your life. The Full Moon in Capricorn washed away a lot of the progress you had previously made. Now it’s time to build from the ground up. It's okay to go hermit mode for the next few weeks and focus on getting all the details just right. Just be sure to take time for fun and flirtation when Mercury moves into Leo. What's the point of working hard if you don’t share it with the people who matter?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Can you feel the purge, Capricorn? Everything you thought was true about a situation has revealed itself to be more complicated than you thought. You might find yourself spinning your wheels and feeling your way through a frustrating issue. That doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel, but you need to get real with what you can realistically handle. When Mars moves into Virgo, you must be cutthroat with your goals. Don’t overextend yourself; put in the work where you’ll get the best return.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

It’s time to turn the page, Aquarius. You don’t have to agree with someone 100% of the time to appreciate their perspective. Mars in Virgo wants you to take a softer approach to your disagreements for the next couple of weeks and try not to nitpick on the details. Focus on finding common ground where you can. Mercury in Leo wants you to see things from another angle and speak up for yourself when needed. It’s a delicate balance: but sometimes you have to be willing to compromise if you want to move forward.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Things feel fuzzy for you this week, Pisces. The Full Moon in Capricorn reflected back things you weren’t expecting to see. And Mercury’s quick and fiery move into Leo might have you feeling like you’re on a different page than everybody else. The good news is time does not move at the same speed for everyone, and you’re in a bit of a lull right now. This is a good time to indulge in spiritual and mindfulness practices. Make time for meditation. Track your dreams. Anything to help you stay grounded in the present.

UP NEXT: Brace Yourselves for the Dual-Retrograde That’s Coming—Here’s What To Expect This Summer, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.