Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading, Based on Your Sign

Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

From Cosmopolitan

You don’t need to be a tarot card pro to get your cards read. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality.

Basically, if your bank account is not ready for a full tarot reading just yet, this one should help tide you over for now!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

An appropriate card for the week of Halloween if ever there was one! The High Priestess heightens our intuition and ESP, enhancing our psychic knowledge, sixth sense, and instincts. So, whatever your holiday plans, make some space in the schedule to withdraw, relax and tune in to your dreams, intuition and visions. Your inner voice is trying to enlighten you about something important!


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Resist your urge to be out and about nonstop, immersing yourself in busyness just for the sake of it. Instead, spend some time alone, reflecting on your ambitions and pathway in life. The Hermit reinforces the need to take your current state of mind seriously right now, to withdraw and focus on your needs as well as the plans you have in place. Be your own BFF this week and cozy up to dream of some supes special 2020 plans!


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Stop hedging your bets and make a definitive move. It doesn’t matter which direction you go in, as long as you go somewhere. The Page of Swords reveals your options will close altogether if you don’t grab on to one of them soon, so stop delaying and commit to something!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

It’s going to be a BIG week for you. Something is going to kick off in your world, with a bang, and everyone will be shocked and awed by the turn of events (except you, thanks to this column. ??) Trust the universe is doing all of this for a reason, to sweep away any false or negative energy and make room for some major changes. Go with the flow and ride the waves, they’re sweeping you forwards, even if it feels a lil’ choppy at first.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Say Y-E-S to movement, progression and departures in your world–it’s time to move all the way from something that's no longer serving you well. The Six of Swords brings you the courage and determination to cut ties once and for all, and set your sights on a new path. Cancer, don't worry, this won’t feel like a sad ending because you’re ready and it’s time, promise.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Very few things land right first time–most things worth having or doing take practice and an investment of time. This week, don’t abandon a project (or person) because something goes wrong. The Page of Wands asks you to adopt a trial and error approach and reminds you to keep at it! You’ll be glad you did it, even just to learn how to be more patient.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Withdraw from anything aggro in your landscape–it’s not worth the energy and it only brings you down. Say adieu to the backstabbers, frenemies and haters. Clear out your friend roster and identify+ remove repeat offenders! You’re a nice person, but you put up with too much sometimes. Time to stick to only those who appreciate that about you (instead of exploiting it.)


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Travel is on your mind this week, Libra (though TBH, when are you not?), and it’s a great time to flick through some brochures, daydream about faraway shores, and see what vacay plans you can make in 2020. The Queen of Wands is a great explorer, and she is urging you to broaden your horizons and go visit some new places–it’s good for the soul. Make a list and a budget, stat!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

A lot of change this week, Scorpio, so hang on to your hat! Whatever was up will come down, or vice versa! Everything you thought was settled suddenly flies up in the air again and, TBH, it’s pretty exciting. Seize the new opportunities and advantages this energy flux whips up, and be ready to adapt and react to whatever comes your way. An exhilarating week ahead!


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Keeping your options open is great until you edge into the danger zone of missing out on something altogether, just because you haven’t committed in time. The Two of Wands says you’re getting close to that point re: something you’ve been procrastinating over. Take a deep breath, Sag, and make your decision. There are no wrong answers here, just a growing risk of FOMO (which you hate.) Time to make a move.


Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen
Photo credit: Rider-Waite deck/Raydene Salinas Hansen

Start a little creative venture this week, whether it’s carving out a spooky pumpkin, learning to knit, writing a poem, baking some Halloween cookies…do something gentle and pleasing to put you in flow and help you to relax (not so easy for you to do, I know.) The Page of Cups will bring you a bright idea very soon, and when it does, seize it and make it happen in the next seven days.


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

You’re a direct and assertive person, Aquarius, and you know your own mind very well. Draw out one of your more daring priorities, ambitions or intentions this week, and make it happen. The Emperor is a very powerful card about manifesting something with focus and intent, so this energy can help you move mountains this week. Put it to good use!


Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck
Photo credit: Raydene Salinas Hansen/Rider-Waite deck

Regrets can crop up to haunt you when we least expect them. The Five of Cups shows an echo from the past may catch up with you this week and make you feel a bit sad. Acknowledge the emotion, accept what’s done is done, and then push all self-recriminations away in favor of a new plan. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, so don’t look back.

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