Westminster Abbey will never be the same – a trip to the new galleries is the best £5 you'll spend this year

With the opening of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries we can all share the staggering aerial views of the Abbey’s interior - 2018 Getty Images
With the opening of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries we can all share the staggering aerial views of the Abbey’s interior - 2018 Getty Images

From June 11, Westminster Abbey will never seem quite the same again. With the opening of Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries in the eastern triforium, the space tucked high up in the walls below the vaults, we can all share the staggering aerial views of the Abbey’s interior. Once the province of stonemasons, maintenance staff, television cameramen and royal commentators - starting with the late Richard Dimbleby at the Queen’s 1953 coronation - they are now open to the public.

And the dusty attic once filled with the detritus of centuries is now a surprisingly airy, four-chambered museum showing the Abbey’s priceless collection of historical objects, from the retable, or altarpiece, that survived the Reformation by doubling as the top of a cupboard, to the coronation rule book, the Liber Regalis, which has been used for almost 650 years.  

Views like this can now be yours for £5 - Credit: FRANK AUGSTEIN
Views like this can now be yours for £5 Credit: FRANK AUGSTEIN

Access to these remarkable new galleries is via the new Weston Tower, a seven-storey polygonal structure clad in lead and stone, designed by Ptolemy Dean, the Abbey’s surveyor of the fabric. Built just outside Poet’s Corner, it conceals a lift shaft and spiral staircase and is connected to the building by a bridge, the whole thing so discreet that Londoners have been walking past it for months, unaware of its existence.

The new Weston Tower - Credit: PAUL GROVER
The new Weston Tower Credit: PAUL GROVER

Walking up the shallow timber stairs, it’s impossible not to exclaim at the grotesques and pinnacles, stained glass and flying buttresses glimpsed through the leaded lights. There’s the House of Lords! There’s the conical Chapter House roof! The bridge is lined with windows, some commemorating, in true medieval style, the patrons who stumped up a large part of the £22.9m cost, the rest from 31,000 fragments found buried in six feet of triforium dust.

Once inside, freestanding objects, display cabinets and spotlit in situ works such as a corbel head of a devil sticking out his tongue are framed by arched and jointed roof beams and flat timber ceiling added by Sir Christopher Wren during early eighteenth century repair work.

Inside the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries - Credit: PAUL GROVER
Inside the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries Credit: PAUL GROVER

Wander any way you wish: the four areas are themed to reflect construction, worship and daily life, relationship with the monarchy and role in national memory, but there is no single route to follow. There are surprises around almost every corner, often high up on the walls.

There are surprises around almost every corner - Credit: BEN STANSALL
There are surprises around almost every corner Credit: BEN STANSALL

Take the half-size plaster casts for the figures of the 20th Century Martyrs on the Abbey’s West Front, unveiled by the Queen in 1998 and often unnoticed by visitors, or the gigantic roof boss, something rarely seen up close. Walk behind the medieval retable, with its midnight blue enamel, few remaining semi-precious stones and exquisite, though now fragmentary paintings of Christ in Majesty and St Peter, and you see it’s held together with planks of wood.

The medieval retable - Credit: PAUL GROVER
The medieval retable Credit: PAUL GROVER

Perhaps the most startling thing, almost embarrassingly intimate, is the ‘ragged regiment’ of dead sovereigns, wooden effigies lying in cabinets with their painted faces staring into space. Among them are Mary I and Edward III (who had eyebrows made of dog hair, sadly missing today) and Catherine de Valois, wife of Henry V, slender in her flowing red robe. These would have been placed on the coffin for the funeral procession, bewigged, fully dressed in robes of state and carrying the orb and sceptre. For this reason, they are jointed, like life-size dolls.

The ‘ragged regiment’ of dead sovereigns - Credit: AFP or licensors/BEN STANSALL
The ‘ragged regiment’ of dead sovereigns Credit: AFP or licensors/BEN STANSALL

Then there are the personal details: for example, the painted head of Henry VII, probably by the Florentine sculptor Pietro Torrigiano, may be a death mask because his mouth is slightly twisted - he died from a stroke. Just nearby is the long, tightly-laced corset worn by the effigy of his grand-daughter Elizabeth I, which would have been topped off with a ruff and a crown.

A funeral effigy of Henry VII - Credit: BEN STANSALL
A funeral effigy of Henry VII Credit: BEN STANSALL

The exhibition makes wonderful sense of our coronation ceremony, the only one in the world to continue in its medieval form. This is partly thanks to the surprisingly small Liber Regalis (Royal Book), which dates from 1382 and is open on a page showing a king leaning down to talk to his queen on her lower coronation chair. There is a real queen’s coronation chair on show, too, used for the crowning of Mary II in the late seventeenth century (her husband William got the main one) and scarred with copious graffiti by naughty Westminster schoolboys.

Mary II's coronation chair - Credit: FRANK AUGSTEIN
Mary II's coronation chair Credit: FRANK AUGSTEIN

Anyone who can’t get to the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London can see the replica set here, used for rehearsals and made in London by Robert White & Sons. There are sets of coronation regalia for both monarchs and the nobility, modelled by full-size mannequins, and a video shows a Charles II being ‘dressed’ for his big day, from his underwear to his ermine.

The replica jewels - Credit: John Stillwell
The replica jewels Credit: John Stillwell

Somehow the designers, McInnes Usher McKnight Architects, and the curator, Dr Susan Jenkins, have crammed in 300 objects without losing the sense of space or the enjoyment. Even the smallest visitor will love hauling open a drawer to see a 13th-century monk’s shoe, like rather a cool black desert boot, or going on a hunt for the Duchess of Richmond’s stuffed parrot, the ridiculously long sword carried by Edward III’s effigy or Henry V’s uncomfortable-looking funeral saddle and helm.

But most of all, as you peer (safely) over the triforium edge, they have made sense of the architecture: the nave and transepts laid out like a Latin cross; the unusually large crossing, or ‘coronation theatre’; the shrine of Edward the Confessor, best burial real estate in the Abbey, with its horseshoe of dead monarchs; the geometrical Cosmati Pavement in front of the High Altar, a great wonder of medieval Europe, but so hard to appreciate at floor level.

History buffs - this has got to be the best £5 you’ll spend in London this year.

General admission to Westminster Abbey costs £20 adults (online fast track, £22 on the door), £17 concessions and £9 children aged 6 to 16. Free for wheelchair users with carers and children aged 5 and under. Tickets for the Diamond Jubilee Galleries cost an extra £5 per person. For the opening period, June 11 to July 31, timed tickets will be sold on the day in conjunction with Abbey tickets (westminster-abbey.org).