
Here’s the Whale That Capture’s Each Zodiac Sign’s Inner Peace & Ancient Wisdom

Roya Backlund
9 min read

No other mammal is as beautiful, mysterious, and otherworldly as the whale. Their brilliance is truly immeasurable, and to be quite frank, it may even rival our own. If you want to understand yourself on the deepest of levels, look no further than the whale that captures each zodiac sign, for it will shed light on who you are when you strip yourself bare.

Despite their undeniable social skills and near supernatural levels of intelligence, whales have always had a fraught relationship with humankind. For hundreds of years, several whales—like blue whales, humpback whales, and the North Atlantic right whale—were hunted to near extinction. And although many whale populations are slowly making a comeback—thanks to the Endangered Species Act of 1973—whales are still facing imminent threats. These threats include pollution in the ocean, ship strikes, sonar explosions, entanglement in fishing gear, and the continued whaling industries in Iceland, Norway, and Japan.

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Whales play a vital role in our ecosystem by mitigating the effects of climate change, as they significantly lower the level of carbon emissions in our atmosphere, thereby reducing the impact of global warming. Without whales, we have nothing. If you’re interested in contributing to whale protections, consider adopting a whale and making a donation to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) today.

Because whale watching season spans from January to April in Southern California, these aquatic mammals may be at the top of your mind. And if you ever have the pleasure of seeing a whale in person—or in a dream—take it as a sign of peace, tranquility, and ancient wisdom. Whales come to you to let you know that everything is going to be okay in the end. And if it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.

The Whale That Captures Each Zodiac Sign

If you’re currently imagining what it must feel like to explore the depths of the ocean without fear or trepidation, here’s the type of whale that reflects your zodiac sign the most:

Aries: You’re the Killer Whale

Aries is the boldest and most aggressive of all zodiac signs, making them a perfect match for the orca (a.k.a. killer whale). Although orcas are technically part of the dolphin family, they’re still technically whales, and they also happen to be the most combative of them all. Orcas are the top predators of the ocean, capturing the essence of Mars—planet of war and determination—which is the ruling planet of Aries. They’re even capable of preying on whales more than twice their size, making them a formidable foe to have.

Taurus: You’re the Humpback Whale

In astrology, every zodiac sign rules over a separate body part and Taurus rules over the throat. That’s one reason why Taurus is associated with having a beautiful voice and being able to sing exceptionally well. It’s no secret that whales are known for their songs, but no whale species is as beautiful of a vocalist as the humpback whale. Their vocal sequences repeat in complex patterns that reverberate through the water in their haunting and enchanting melodies. Male humpback whales can sing for hours on end, repeating the same songs over and over again.

Gemini: You’re the Bottlenose Dolphin

You might be surprised to find that dolphins are, in fact, whales. Although these marine mammals are part of the Delphinidae family, they technically fall under infraorder Cetacea, which means all dolphins are whales, but not all whales are dolphins. And if you’re a Gemini, you probably already knew that, as this clever air sign is just as smart as the highly intelligent (and slightly mischievous) bottlenose dolphin. You’re also just as social and entertaining, as bottlenose dolphins form friendships with each other that last decades. They also play together by riding waves with other surfers and swirling through the wakes of boats.

Cancer: You’re the Pilot Whale

Like a typical Cancer, pilot whales are extremely family-oriented. Cancer is the zodiac sign of motherhood, nurturing, and ancestral legacies, which are values the pilot whale holds near and dear. Living in social groups of around 20-100 whales, they are known for following a leader—or a “pilot”—and that leader is always a female. This species of whale follow matrilineal lines and their calves—both male and female—are welcome to stay with their mothers all throughout adulthood. The fact that females are seen as authority figures makes this species Cancerian to its core.

Leo: You’re the Beluga Whale

Leo is associated with self-expression, making this fixed fire sign one of the most lively, creative, and artistic in the zodiac. Leo is ruled by the sun, after all. And of every whale in existence, none are more curious, playful, and willing to laugh and smile with you than the beluga whale. With their incredibly complex vocalizations to their desire to engage in cooperative hunting expeditions, it’s no wonder that, sadly, belugas are often exploited for human entertainment, as their adorable and inquisitive nature makes them endlessly fascinating to watch.

Virgo: You’re the Right Whale

Right whales were born to represent the Virgo aesthetic, as this species is famous for its unique V-shaped blow hole that expels air in the shape of a “V”. Every Virgo has an eye for details and the fact that right whales are associated with the letter “V” is not lost on them. Like Virgos, these whales are also natural helpers, as their poop—yes, their poop—helps fertilize the ocean by feeding phytoplankton, which in turn produces around 50% of the world’s oxygen. Next time you breathe, make sure you thank a right whale (and a Virgo). Naturally, everyone knows that Virgos are always “right”.

Libra: You’re the Gray Whale

Libras are famous for their friendly, romantic, and gregarious dispositions. And when it comes to whales, none are more willing to say “hello” to you than the gray whale. This species is known to approach boats, and near Mexico, a gray whale once lifted a boat onto its back and attempted to swim away with it! Gray whales also have the most intricate and nuanced courtship rituals, as males try maneuvering females into mating positions with their pectoral fins, emphasizing the relationship-oriented energy of Libra. And much to a male’s chagrin, females have been observed deflecting their attempts to mate for days at a time.

Scorpio: You’re the Beaked Whale

Scorpios are the most mysterious and secretive of all zodiac signs. Unless you’re an ocean enthusiast, you’ve probably never even heard of the beaked whale (which is exactly how a Scorpio likes it). This fixed water sign to prefers keep things private, as they are often too sensitive to be scrutinized by world, matching the beaked whale’s instinct to remain unseen. Scorpios are also known for embracing deep, dark, and difficult emotions, just like a beaked whale is capable of diving lower into the ocean than any other whale species (up to nearly two miles deep). Scorpios are also famous for being passionate about sex, and beaked whales are usually covered in scratches due to their very aggressive mating rituals.

Sagittarius: You’re the Narwhal

Sagittarius is symbolically tied to the “archer” in astrology, revealing their ability to zero in on a target and make their “point” known. And as a Sagittarius might hold a bow and arrow, a narwhal displays its long, spiraled tusk with its head held high. These tusks—seen only on males—are used to stun fish before eating them, clean other members of their pod, and attract a mate. They also contain around 10 million nerve endings, allowing these strange and beautiful creatures to observe changes in their surroundings that would be imperceptible to the rest of us. Never underestimate a Sagittarius when it comes to absorbing useless information.

Capricorn: You’re the Sperm Whale

Capricorns are ruled by Saturn—planet of consequences and retribution—and no whale is more associated with karma than the sperm whale. In the classic novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville, protagonist Captain Ahab is obsessed with killing his nemesis—a sperm whale known as Moby Dick—as revenge for biting off his leg. But that’s not the only thing Capricorns have in common with the sperm whale, as these whales are also apex predators. Their biggest underwater enemy may be the orca, but the sperm whale is also famous for getting into fights with giant squids. Historically, they’ve also been known to occasionally ram ships and leave them sinking in their wake.

Aquarius: You’re the Bowhead Whale

Because Aquarius is near the end of the zodiac calendar, this fixed air sign always has an old soul. Ruled by Saturn—planet of legacy and longevity—Aquarius is known for being patient and taking their time before achieving something long-lasting. Bowhead whales not only live longer than any other whale, but longer than any other mammal in existence, boasting an average lifespan of around 200 years. Aquarius is also the most rare and eccentric of all zodiac signs, and the bowhead can relate, as their uniquely-shaped head is designed to break through thick shards of sea ice. Their loud social interactions are equally as Aquarian, as bowhead voices are known to echo across the arctic.

Pisces: You’re the Blue Whale

Pisces is known as the most open-hearted and enchanting zodiac sign, due in large part to the fact that it’s traditionally ruled by Jupiter. In astrology, Jupiter has a tendency to exaggerate, making everything it touches bigger. And on planet Earth, no other animal comes close to being as big as the blue whale. Despite the fact that they can grow as long as 100 feet and weigh as much as 300,000 pounds, these giants are incredibly gentle creatures. Even their hearts weigh around 400 pounds! Pisces can relate to the feeling of living with so many heavy emotions. When a Pisces feels something, everyone around them feels it too, just like the blue whale’s bellowing voice can be heard from up to 1,000 miles away.

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