Wheeee! Watch This Pit Bull Have the Time of His Life Going Down a Slide

pit bull going down slide at children's park
pit bull going down slide at children's park

Courtesy of kane.slidez / TikTok

We're a fractured global society, but there are still a few things we can all agree upon. One of those is this: Unless you're John Delaney, slides are just fun. Doesn't matter what kind of mood you're in at the top, you're going to be smiling when you get to the bottom. That's not just true for us humans, either. Exhibit A: Kane the pit bull on TikTok.

Kane is just a big, lovey boi who likes to have a good time. And on one special, sunny day, that good time came in the form of a slide at the park. After waiting patiently in line with the other kids, the gorgeous pit bull spreads his front legs wide to act as a base and slips head first down the slide's gradual grade, clearly enjoying the humps in the middle the most. But that's not the best part of the video.

After enjoying his trip down the slide, Kane grabs his own leash and walks himself back to the top. He wants another ride, and he knows just the guy to get him there. Not only does Kane show excellent respect for local leash ordinances, but once he gets to the top he sees the slide he used the first time is currently occupied, so he moves to the next one so he doesn't rush the child in front of him. What a polite boy!

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The original video was posted Feb. 2 and has already amassed an impressive 7.8 million views, with even more people seeing it on the slew of aggregation accounts that have shared the video to Instagram, Facebook, and beyond.

And it's well-earned love! Kane is just the happiest doggo and he understands how important it is to take some time out of the day for yourself, relax, and have a little fun.