A wheel good experience: Wichita Falls kids learn cycling rules of the road in Bike Roadeo

Kids had the opportunity for hands-on learning about bicycle safety Thursday from the Texas Department of Transportation Wichita Falls District.

"We are educating elementary age students today so that they will hopefully grow up to be helmet-wearing, law-abiding safe cyclists," Tish Beaver, TxDot traffic safety specialist, said.

The event was for Wichita Falls ISD summer camp students with kids ranging from about 6 to 12 years old. It was held in the Scotland Park Elementary School area.

Participant Nataly Loa demonstrates hand signals during a summer camp Bike Roadeo event at Scotland Park Elementary School on Thursday, July 18, 2024.
Participant Nataly Loa demonstrates hand signals during a summer camp Bike Roadeo event at Scotland Park Elementary School on Thursday, July 18, 2024.

"Each year we do bicycle safety for children who are typically in the third- or fourth-grade age range," Karel Davis, Texas Healthy Communities program manager, said. "We've done a little older kids but usually that age range."

The TxDot Wichita Falls District and the Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District partnered with WFISD to host Bike Roadeo, a bicycle safety course. Kids answered questions and learned hand signals, how to properly wear a helmet and the basics of a bicycle.

"Some of the kids are still on training wheels," Beaver said. "Some are a little more advanced beyond that. But it gives them a reminder of the rules of the road so they can be safe when they're riding. We emphasize the helmets to keep their heads protected when they're out and about."

The campers practiced riding around an obstacle course to understand the standard: stop, left, right, and brake. The kids learned about rules of the road and were able to take the helmets home, too, if they did not already have one.

This article originally appeared on Wichita Falls Times Record News: Kids get hands-on experience with bicycle safety course.