Whitney Port Gives Update on Surrogacy Journey After Two Miscarriages

Originally appeared on E! Online

While Whitney Port may be just beginning this next phase of her fertility journey, she's hardly staring at a blank page before her.

"Now I'm like, I've been through this," Port explained in an exclusive interview with E! News at the June 29 Bustle B. Happy event. "I can handle the questions and the comments and the opinions from everybody else."

But when she first opened up about the series of miscarriages she has experienced, "It was hard for me," Port acknowledged. "And I would get all these comments and questions: 'Are you doing this?' Or, 'Have you seen this doctor?' And I would get really confused, and then a little bit paralyzed. But now I just feel a lot more empowered having been through it."

And the 39-year-old Hills alum has been through it, having turned to surrogacy after withstanding three miscarriages and a chemical pregnancy only for the surrogate to endure two losses of her own.

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Concerned that "there might be something going on either with the surrogate or with our embryos," as her husband Tim Rosenman put it on her Whit Whit podcast last November, the couple decided to pause on plans to expand their family.

"I took a little breather from the fertility situation," Port explained to E! at the June 29 event that saw Bustle team with the All-New 2025 Toyota Camry to host a day centered around finding life's joys. "I decided to take a few months off from thinking about it and talking about it and proactively doing anything about it so that I could take care of myself."

Whitney Port, Bustle B. Happy event
Photo by Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images for Bustle

And now that she's back to living her life with arms wide open, Port is all in on giving 6-year-old Sonny a sibling.

The family are set to spend a large chunk of their summer on the East Coast, with planned visits to Cape Cod, Nantucket and to see Rosenman's mom in Vermont. During that time, Port said she'll be working "with this amazing doctor in New York."

"After a bunch of tries here, with both myself and a surrogate, we're going to do another round of egg retrieval in New York," Port said of Spring Fertility's Dr. Catha Fischer. "And in the meantime, looking for a surrogate for the next transfer."

Also on the agenda: Giving herself a break.

Asked her advice for others going through a fertility journey, Port stressed, "Try to take the guilt completely off the table. So many women feel like they want to do the whole thing through and feel less about themselves because they may not be able to carry or it doesn't happen for them. And I just want women to know that it doesn't make them any less of a woman."

Though Port is grateful that she was able to carry Sonny, she doesn't feel it's something she needs to experience again.

"It wasn't like I felt more connected to Sonny through my pregnancy or felt more connected to him when I gave birth," she explained. "I really started to fully connect with him when he was a toddler. So, I really want women to understand that."

As for those trying to help loved ones through the process, "The key is just supporting them by listening and validating their feelings as opposed to trying to solve the problem for them," Port shared. "So many people, when they hear people are struggling, want to solve the issue and are like, 'Have you done this? Have you tried this? Have you done this test?' And coming from that place, makes people feel really insecure about the journey that they're on."

Instead, she advises meeting them where they're at.

"You can ask from the get-go, 'Would you like me to try to help you figure this out? Or do you want me to just sit and be there for you? Because I'm open to whatever,'" Port suggested. "And I think coming from that place is really important."

Whitney Port, Tim Rosenman, Sonny
Whitney Port/Instagram

As for her journey, Port is glad to speak out knowing that it might help others feel less alone.

"Because women feel like they're less of a woman or they compare themselves to other women that could do it," she said of the pains associated with pregnancy loss. "And I hate that. It makes me sick inside that anybody would feel that way. And so I feel a responsibility to talk about that."

For Port, part of the process includes working through the pain of each loss.

"Even though you didn't necessarily know this person you're grieving, who this person could have been and what your life could have been," she said, "I think that it's really important to take time to feel that grief and to not get right back into the swing of things."

While she doesn't judge those who cope by filling their schedules with distractions, "I do think that sometimes that can just shove things down and put Band-Aids on things," she said, which is why her preferred coping method involves relinquishing any control over the situation.

Whitney Port, Tim Rosenman
Instagram/Whitney Port

"It's important not go into a shame spiral, not to blame yourself, there's likely nothing that you could have done," she stressed. "But when you really think about it, we have very, very little control when it comes to this. So, really paying attention to that and taking any of the responsibility and blame off of yourself is so important."

Port is just one of many stars who have shared their experience with pregnancy loss in an effort to help others. See which other celebrities have been open about their fertility journeys.

—Reporting by Amanda Champagne-Meadows.

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