Why not date a Tory? You might learn something
The singer Paloma Faith has never hidden her politics, to be fair. I can’t possibly tell you what she once called the Prime Minister because this is a respectable newspaper, but she certainly wasn’t complimenting his Adidas trainers.
Her mother took her to anti-Thatcher rallies in her pram, and Paloma once booked Owen Jones as a support act for a gig. No idea what he sang but, in short, she’s not a big fan of the Tories.
No surprise, therefore, that Paloma has reportedly stipulated ‘No Tories’ on her new dating profile. No Tories, no men under 5ft 11, no Ugg boots, and nobody who takes more than 25 minutes to get ready.
I can happily get on board with the no Ugg boots rule and the getting ready thing. As I’m fairly tall, I appreciate height too. Men tend to fib on their dating app profile, in my experience, but if you say that you want someone who’s 5ft 11 or over you should at least stand a chance of meeting someone who’s over five foot. But the no Tories line. Hmm.
It’s extremely common to see this on dating apps these days. ‘No Tories’ people write on their profile, which always seems slightly incongruous below a picture of them cradling their new-born niece, to make the point that they’re sensitive and understand how to hold a baby without its head lolling backwards like a water balloon.
It is, of course, very hard and quite depressing to try and condense your essence as a human, your entire personality, into a few lines of text and the best pictures you can find on your phone in the hope that these might, just might, attract someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.
It can feel hopeless, spending evening after evening swiping through pictures and people telling you unimaginatively that their ‘ideal Sunday’ involves ‘a walk and a roast’. (‘Roast what?’ the snob in me always wanted to reply. Roast chicken? Roast beef?)
So if, like Paloma, you want to cut out the dross and immediately narrow down the playing field by stipulating that you won’t even consider going on a date with someone who has differing political views, then, well, maybe that speeds up the process.
But here’s a suggestion: perhaps going on a date with someone who has differing political views isn’t such a bad idea? Perhaps you might learn something. Perhaps those with differing political views aren’t all bad – whether they’re left or right wing.
Frankly, if I think back over (some of) the dates I went on via dating apps, I would have welcomed a spicy political chat over the more typical, dispiriting small talk about where I lived in London and what my ideal Sunday looked like (a walk and roast pork, thank you for asking).
I suspect many of those who put ‘No Tories’ on their dating profile do so because it’s fashionable, virtue-signalling to others that they’re sophisticated and worldly and just, like, a really deep-thinker, you know? When, ironically, this refusal to countenance meeting or interacting with someone who may think differently to you is narrow-minded and juvenile. I’m not a big fan of the current Conservative party.
When I found myself in the voting booth a couple of weeks ago, I panicked and stuck a big fat cross in the Animal Welfare Party box for the potentially also quite juvenile reason that I’m soon to get a puppy and I simply didn’t know what to do otherwise. But whenever I saw ‘No Tories’ on a dating profile, I swiped over them on the basis it told me quite a lot about their character.
Last September, I started chatting to a man called Paul on a dating app who was very open about the fact that he’d given up reading newspapers or consuming much news early on in our messages. Oh dear, I remember thinking, is he an idiot? Newspapers, news, and the radio constantly wittering in the background are a big part of my life. I like knowing what’s going on around me.
Why would you not be interested? Paul and I had what I think we’d term a robust discussion about the pros and cons of being constantly plugged into the news cycle, and nearly eight months later are blissfully happy together (although he has since taken out a Telegraph subscription to read this column, so I maintain I won that one).
He reminds me that you also see quite a lot of ‘Swipe left if you voted Brexit’ on dating apps. In other words, don’t bother even chatting to me if you voted Leave. I have some sympathy with this. My family are extremely pro-Europe, and the only one who did vote Leave married a German and now gets to skip through the quick passport queue with the Europeans while the rest of us take nine hours to get to the baggage carousel. But still, I’m optimistic that I’d still be able to hold a conversation with someone in a bar who thought otherwise.
There’s now a whole range of merchandise devoted to bragging that you wouldn’t date a Tory. If you fancy it, you can kit yourself out with a t-shirt, a baseball hat and drink from a mug declaring exactly that. I suspect we’ll see a few of them out and about as we stagger towards the general election.
The Labour MP Lucy Powell wore one of these t-shirts (‘Never Kissed A Tory’, it stated) for Manchester Pride a couple of years ago, which provoked even Keir Starmer to respond that he wasn’t so tribal and had broken that rule himself.
‘I’m not ashamed about [breaking] it, and I’ve got very good friends who are Tories, and they’ve been very, very good friends for a very, very long time.’
If only those on dating apps who profess to being such devout Labour supporters could be as broad-minded as the actual Labour leader, eh?