Why You Should Try the '369 Manifestation Method' To Kick Off 2024, According to a Numerologist

Woman writing down goals as part of the 369 manifestation method

Manifestation: It’s a tale as old as time that many believe has been practiced for centuries around the world. While there are several different forms out there, recently, one type of manifestation has captivated people on social media and left them awestruck by the results. It’s called the 369 manifestation method.

With the new year officially here, it’s no wonder everyone wants to try it out. After all, it’s the season when people start to think about their upcoming goals and envision all the magical and exciting things that could happen. Manifesting those things is just one way they hope to turn their dreams for 2024 into reality. 

To find out more about the 369 method, we spoke with numerologist and author Michelle Arbeau. The Los Angeles-based expert breaks down everything about it, from the materials you need, to the steps you have to take each day, to sharing her insights on why it really works.

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What Is the 369 Manifestation Method?

If you haven’t heard of the 369 manifestation method, it’s a huge trend on TikTok right now. It’s a way to manifest things where you don’t just think about what you want to come true, but you follow a routine each day and write down your intentions for the future. “The basis behind this method is repetition,” Arbeau reveals. “Writing your intentions down is an extra powerful way to amp up your manifesting juices because it really reinforces the words when you physically do that.”

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How To Do the 369 Manifestation Method

“In the manifestation process, the mind is the tool through which you project your dreams and desires in order to bring them to tangible fruition,” Arbeau explains. “You do this by using your thoughts to create your reality. Essentially, what you think about, you bring about.”

So, once you’ve nailed down what your goals, hopes and dreams are, all that’s left to do is to put them out in the universe and ask for what you want by writing them down.

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What's Needed To Do the Method?

To take part in the 369 method, you only need two things: something to write in and something to write with. “You can perform the 369 method with a simple pen and some paper, but I'm a big fan of using colored utensils and some sort of notebook,” Arbeau tells Parade.

She says using a larger sketch pad with colorful, bold markers is her favorite way to go about writing down her goals for this method because it turns them into a kind of vision board and allows her to get creative and even add drawings next to her words.

What Are the Steps?

“The 369 manifestation method is simply using the first parts of the law of attraction steps, but doing them a set number of times per day,” Arbeau says. “In the morning, you should write down your intentions three times. Then, you should do it again in the afternoon, but six times. Lastly, in the evening you should write them down nine times.”

What You Should Write Down

Arbeau tells Parade you should write down whatever your heart desires. “You can use this method to manifest anything you want—there is no limit!” she shares. “From manifesting your ideal partner, to your dream job, to friendships, to your health…the choices are endless.”

However, you don’t just want to jot down one or two words about the things you want to manifest. Instead, you need to be very specific about what you want. “You have to be absolute and firm in what you want to manifest,” Arbeau states. “The universe doesn't like doubt. Clarity is essential before you can even begin to activate the manifestation process, because doubt injected into the process is basically equal to an epic fail. If you're wishy-washy with your intentions, the universe will give you various confusing and mixed scenarios to choose from.”

For instance, if you want to meet your real-life Prince Charming you have to go into specifics. You should include what he looks like, where he lives, what age he is, his personality and other descriptive details that you’d like him to have.

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Why Is the Method 3, 6, 9, Specifically?

Would the 369 method work if other numbers were used? Believe it or not, it wouldn't. According to Arbeau, those numbers hold the magic of why the method is so powerful.

“Basically, 3, 6 and 9 are like the Holy Grail of numbers,” she points out. “3 is the number of imagination and inspiration, while 6 is the number of creativity, creative expression and visionary, and 9 is considered as the idealistic dreamer’s energy.”

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Does It Really Work?

Just like any type of manifestation, you can’t expect what you write down to come true overnight. As for how long it takes to work, well, that varies person to person.

Arbeau says the reason has to do with the universe. “You can put your ‘order’ into the universe, but you don't have control over how and when that order will be fulfilled,” she clarifies. “The universe is orchestrated in a sense, with our paths intertwining with others, so there are often many factors in play and ‘divine timing’ to consider.”

That’s why some people may see something they have been manifesting come to fruition after only a few days, and others might not for a longer period of time.

However, as long as you stay focused and positive about the intentions you’re putting out, you should eventually start to see them come true in one way or another.

“Since the 369 method has you repeating your intentions a total of eighteen times a day, it means you're spending a big chunk of time focusing on those words and thoughts. More focus equals more energy injected into those intentions,which is why they tend to manifest more quickly when you’re practicing the 369 method and have a higher success rate than when you do other methods,” Arbeau tells Parade.

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