
This Woman Was Denied Time Off Work For Her Own Wedding And People Are Now Sharing Their Own Time-Off Request Horrors

6 min read

Twitter user @PostOpPrincess recently tweeted about how her time off request FOR HER OWN WEDDING got denied:

I have no words!!! ??????


Shortly after posting, people started flooding the comments with their awful experiences surrounding taking time off work.

People were scolded like children for missing work.

And treated with zero human empathy or compassion.

The stories are both heartbreaking and infuriating.

It's sad to know that this is a reality people face while working in America.

Not only do some employers force people to give a reason for their time off...

But some also expect their workers to be responsible for finding people to cover their shifts.

Oh, and if you have to provide a "good excuse" for your time off — which is ridiculous in the first place — court cases won't count at many workplaces.

People are getting PUNISHED for fulfilling their civic duties.

Some employers only allow ONE special time-off request every FIVE years.

A lot of healthcare workers are sharing how bad it is for them when it comes to time off work.

One nurse even canceled her honeymoon.

Bosses aren't believing their employees when they need time off...

And it has really shown just how prevalent toxic work environments are today. These types of work/life balance issues aren't getting any better. Last year we spoke to a woman whose boss got upset when she told her she couldn't work because her sister was on her death bed.

When it comes to finding a healthy way to approach PTO, self-advocacy expert Selena Rezvani told BuzzFeed, "Leaders need to stop vacation-shaming and incentivizing people to have 'perfect attendance.' It’s not conducive to normal human rhythms to work like a robot. As empowered adults, people can and should be able to judge for themselves when they need time off (and of course to make an effort to help operations run smoothly while they’re gone)."

"No one else will set boundaries for you. No one else will value your time — or mental and physical health — like you can. We see real benefits of taking time off in the quality of our work and ideas, the vigor we bring to our personal and professional lives, and our resilience for the not-so-great times."
