This Woman Shared a Photo of Her C-Section Scar to Slam Any Negativity

This Woman Shared a Photo of Her C-Section Scar to Slam Any Negativity

Brittany Noonan thinks all births are beautiful, and we couldn’t agree more. The fitness trainer and mom of two shared a close-up photo of her 3-month-old baby relaxing alongside her postpartum tummy. She added an inspiring message: “For however motherhood comes to you—it is a miracle.”

In the post, Noonan proudly showed off the scar and stretch marks from her cesarean birth. She wrote that she doesn’t mind if the scar never fades, saying, “I quite like the reminder of where my babies came from, it’s a very special reminder each time I look down at just how lucky I am.”

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“For however motherhood comes to you - it is a miracle.” #3monthspostpartum Whether it’s vaginally or cesarean birth every birth is a miracle and all mothers are amazing, strong and fierce. My scar may fade or it may not but honestly I don’t mind, I actually hope it doesn’t completely, I quiet like the reminder of where my babies came from, it’s a very special reminder each time I look down at just how lucky I am. There are a few things I am extremely passionate about and helping other mums and mums-to-be feel empowered and strong about their csection birth is one of them especially because I am forever messaged and emailed by mums who are scared, ashamed or overwhelmed about their csection birth and have only ever heard horror stories or been met with negativity surrounding it and to me I feel so sad that they feel this way when they should be proud, excited and feel like the bad ass woman they are. I hope one day women everywhere don’t have to feel the need to justify their birth and can proudly say they are a C-section mama without any guilt or shame! Which ever way you birth, you are a legend and I can assure you your baby will only care that both you and them were safe and well! Yes it can hurt but I’d do it a million times over to have my beautiful babies in my arms!???????????????????????? Ps any negative Nancy comments will be deleted. This is my space of positivity and empowerment! ?? Are you a C-section mama!!?? . . . . #csectionmama #csectionrecovery #postbaby #postpartum #cutebaby #3monthsold #fourthtrimester #pregnancyjourney #mumlife #pregnancy #pregnancyblog #ig_motherhood #bumpdated

A post shared by Brittany Noonan (@bybrittanynoonan) on Jan 2, 2019 at 1:54am PST

Noonan also expressed her passion for helping to empower moms who have delivered their babies via c-section, as well as moms-to-be who might be facing one in the near future. “I hope one day women everywhere don’t have to feel the need to justify their birth and can proudly say they are a C-section mama without any guilt or shame!” she wrote.

C-section moms should feel proud. The procedure means having your abdomen and uterus surgically cut open so the baby can be removed. Six weeks' recovery time is standard (that's two weeks longer than a vaginal birth), and a cesarean can carry some serious post-birth risks.

RELATED: Beyonce Reveals She Had an Emergency C-Section. Here's What That Procedure Really Does to Your Body

Noonan's post struck a chord with hundreds of other moms, many of whom shared their birth stories and their relationship with their post-partum bodies and scars. “I’m a c-section Mama of two boys! My scars represent how strong and beautiful my body truly is... they’re my constant reminder of our love stories,” says one commenter. Another mom wrote, “I am so grateful for c-section procedures. It saved mine and my first baby’s life.”

Added Noonan: “Whichever way you birth, you are a legend and I can assure you your baby will only care that both you and them were safe and well!”

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