The World’s Best Christmas Lights, review: a heartwarming account of the Liverpool company that lights up Bethlehem at Christmas

Ged Comerford and Zain Haniffa in Manger Square, Bethlehem - (Channel 4 images must not be altered or manipulated in any way) CHANNEL 4 PICTURE PUBLICITY 124 HOR
Ged Comerford and Zain Haniffa in Manger Square, Bethlehem - (Channel 4 images must not be altered or manipulated in any way) CHANNEL 4 PICTURE PUBLICITY 124 HOR

Filming a light-hearted Christmas caper in one of the world’s most politically volatile places is a risky thing to do. In fact, it’s a harder balancing act than placing a giant star atop a 60-foot Christmas tree. With the occasional wobble, last night’s The World’s Best Christmas Lights (Channel 4) pulled off both those feats. 

The documentary followed a team of colourful Liverpudlians attempting to light up Bethlehem’s Manger Square in time for Christmas. If that premise sounds worryingly Karl Pilkington-esque – it’s funny because he’s culturally ignorant! – the introductory voice-over wasn’t much more promising. “In one of the holiest places in the holy land… it’s all about to kick off.” Thankfully, what followed proved to be both entertaining and carefully presented – and the team were actually, well, good at their job. 

Then again, whether their competence is to the programme’s credit or detriment depends on why you tuned in. If you were hoping for a train wreck – baubles smashing, cultures clashing, perhaps an electrocution or two – you’ll have been disappointed. Someone was a few hours late at one point. On the night of the big switch-on, a couple of the lights, out of several thousand, blinked when they weren’t supposed to. That’s about as perilous as proceedings got. But Christmas is stressful enough as it is, right? 

Manger Square - Credit: BBC
Manger Square Credit: BBC

The film didn’t delve deep into the “uneasy relationship” (an understatement and a half) between Palestine and Israel – but it did offer some moments of context, as the team hopped off on day trips while boss man Jed busied himself with programming LEDs and supervising cranes. There was a trip to the 400-mile long separation wall put up by Israel to separate Bethlehem and Jerusalem, which is covered in protest art. Then there was a visit to a different wall altogether – the Western Wall, sacred to Jews, where you can stuff prayers into the cracks in the limestone. One of the team asked for his kids to be happy. The other asked that Liverpool win the league. 

In the show’s uplifting final moments, the lights went on, champagne was popped, and warm-hearted platitudes sprang forth – “this can’t fail to bring people together,” beamed a choked-up Jed. Unfortunately, he was wrong. “Four days after switch on,” came the closing caption, “Palestinians turned off Bethlehem’s festival lights in protest at Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”