When the world gets tough, the fashion gets pretty; Tory Burch opens New York fashion week

Tory Burch's autumn 2018 fashion show, held in New York - Getty Images North America
Tory Burch's autumn 2018 fashion show, held in New York - Getty Images North America

In a week when the stock markets have slumped and against the backdrop of ongoing revelations about sexual misconduct in the film and fashion industries, New York fashion week has opened facing the challenge of measuring the mood of consumers whilst continuing with the job in hand- to generate up to $900million in revenue over the year, more than the Super Bowl or the US Open. 

Tory Burch, one of America’s richest self-made women, was one of the first designers to show today. She displayed a tactic which seems likely to be replicated across many shows: when the world gets tough, the fashion gets pretty. 

The biggest concern at her airy midtown venue was for the carnation garden which she had installed across the catwalk; as guests trampled in to find their seats, conscientious gardeners filled in patches of turf and returned the pale pink stems to their uniform positions. But inspired as it was by choreographer Pina Bausch’s ‘Nelken’, an emotional portrayal of oppression, the carnation meadow did perhaps come with a more poignant, if subtle, meaning than its bucolic appearance first suggested.

Sienna Miller, Julianne Moore
Sienna Miller and Julianne Moore sat front row at Tory Burch's show in New York

Lee Radziwill, the younger sister of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, has acted as a muse for designers plenty of times in the past thanks to her Uptown elegance, but backstage Burch, who began her design empire in 2004, said that it was her socialite friend’s ‘resilience and wit’ which had made her a starting point for the collection. 

There was the classic, and much-loved by a certain breed of woman, Tory Burch combination of flattering tailoring- knife pleated midi skirts and nip-waisted blazers with oversized lapels- with bountiful flowing chiffon or petticoat-style silk dresses, some layered over smart flared trousers to give a sophisticated, 70s-tinged kick or chinking with beads and sequin embellishments. 

Tory Burch's autumn 2018 fashion show, held in New York
Tory Burch's autumn 2018 fashion show, held in New York

Ruffled blouses and handkerchief-hemmed mumus came in the delicate ‘Happy Times’ floral print which had been named after Radziwill’s photographic memoirs and which was also seen on roomy tote bags. 

‘It’s really always how I like to dress,’ Burch shrugged backstage, dressed in a fitted black sweater and floral pencil skirt. ‘I’m a bit feminine and a bit of a tomboy.’ 

Asked whether the post #metoo climate  had had any effect on this season’s design process, Burch simply said: ‘I’ve always believed in the strength of women and women’s rights’. Her foundation, established in 2014 to provide support for women entrepreneurs, is testament to that. The magenta pussy bow tea dress which comprised one of the catwalk looks was also the perfect cheerful but powerful uniform for now.