Worried Daughter Is Filled With Miraculous Peace: "I Know It's A Sign From Mom!"

For the last 20 years Woman’s World magazine has featured the weekly “My Guardian Angel” column, where real women share first-person accounts of their amazing encounters with Angels. Now, we are sharing those heartwarming stories of loving comfort, Heaven-sent helpers and miraculous rescues online with the mission of continuing to spread hope and light.

Here, when Woman’s World reader Kathy Kulig was facing a frightening surgery, she received a sign from Heaven that gave her the courage and strength she needed.

Kathy’s Guardian Angel story told in her own words:

My mother’s outgoing, giving nature has always been an inspiration to me. She attended church every week, volunteered at the local hospital twice a week and donated time and money to numerous charitable organizations.

During her year-long struggle with cancer, her loved ones rallied around her offering help and support. It was very difficult to see Mom lose that battle, although she did so with courage and grace.

My Guardian Angel - Kathy Kulig and her mother
Kathy Kulig and her mother

MUST-READ: Sister Receives Amazing Winged Sign From Heaven: “I Have A New Sense Of Comfort!”

It wasn’t until after her passing that I discovered how many charitable foundations she supported with regular donations. After her death, I settled her legal affairs and continued receiving letters from the charities she supported.

Letters filled my mailbox from veterans’ organizations, children’s hospitals, animal rescues, religious organizations, food banks, etc. Sometimes they included colorful address labels, calendars or notepads as thank-you gifts.

Six months after my mom passed, I was scheduled for major surgery. Although I feared the life-threatening procedure I was facing, I was also grateful that my health issue had held off while I was caring for my mom.

MUST-READ: Grieving Wife Receives Comforting Signs From Heaven: “He’s Helping Me Get Through!”

The day before my surgery was especially stressful. I was terrified of the thought of walking into the hospital the next morning. That day, the mail carrier delivered a large envelope from a charity. Inside contained a thank-you gift, but nothing like the usual ones. It was a pair of socks. The socks had a message printed on them: Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry.

My Guardian Angel - Socks Kathy received in the mail
The "Pray, Hope & Don't Worry" socks Kathy received in the mail

The timely letter had to be a message from an angel, or my mom, letting me know my surgery would be successful. And it was. The little offering came at the perfect time and gave me the courage I needed.

An Angel expert weighs in…

Angel expert, Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston

“Kathy’s story illustrates the comfort believing in signs from our guardian angels can provide, especially during times of need," says Sunny Dawn Johnson, a global authority on the angelic realm, with a portfolio of 22 books, including popular titles such as Invoking the Archangels, The Love Never Ends, and 365 Days of Angel Prayers. "After her mother’s passing, a woman who lived a life of generosity and courage, Kathy faced her own daunting challenge with an upcoming major surgery. Amidst her fear and anxiety, a unique gift arrived in the mail, which felt like a direct message of support and reassurance from her mother or the angels. Kathy’s experience reinforces the power of faith and the impact of receiving a sign at just the right time.” Read more of Sunny’s insightful stories here.

Do you have an Angel story to share?

Send your story, along with a clear photo of yourself and your name, address and phone number to: [email protected]. By submitting your story, you are granting Woman’s World magazine permission to use it and your photo in the print magazine, on our website and/or in future special issue publications. Submissions may be edited for style.

A version of this article originally appeared in our print magazine, Woman’s World.

Want to read more Guardian Angel encounters?

Grieving Grandmother Gets Sweet Signs From Heaven: “They’re Okay!”

Mom and Daughter Saved By A Four-Legged Friend: “God Sent An Angel!”

Woman Receives Visit From Angel After Heart Surgery: “It Was an Answer to My Prayers!”