Yet Another Disease Is Reportedly Breaking Out in Dogs in Addition to Mystery Illness

There's been an uptick in cases of leptospirosis in dogs in recent weeks, possibly due to rainy weather that becomes stagnant puddles. Anyone who walks their dog can tell you that a lot of pups love nothing more than getting into water while walking outside.

This disease is especially transmissible if your dog has wounds on their feet or legs or drinks stagnant water.

Dr Jones, a former practicing veterinarian, explains in the above video that "if a dog is infected, they can get very sick, fever, tissue swelling, excessive bleeding" this can lead to signs of kidney disease and even death.

TikTok dog owners are rightfully concerned. @E comments, "So glad my baby got her lepto shot recently. Please stay up to date on your dog vaccines!" @Julie sadly adds, "It’s a death sentence. I’ve lost two dogs to this disease." @Lxac makes an important point with, "It can also spread from dog to human…something to consider if your dog is at risk of catching it."

Related: Mystery Dog Illness Is Now Being Reported in 14 States

How common is leptospirosis?

At one point this disease was mainly a concern in farm and rural areas but now it's seen in many cities. It's more common in the fall and spring and doesn't survive well in winter. Dr. Scott Weese, infectious disease specialist and professor at OVC, explains why this disease is becoming more common in cities to Toronto City News .

"The main reservoirs [for the bacterium] we see in Ontario are probably raccoons and rats. There are a lot of those in cities, particularly around Toronto. So these small dogs that live in a condo tower, for example, they’ve got a small green space where they go out to run around and pee. And what happens at night? A lot of raccoons come out and do the same thing,” explains Weese."

Leptospirosis can be spread by rats, possums, raccoons and even some livestock.

Should you vaccinate your own dog against Leptospirosis?

That depends on your personal choice and how much your dog gets into water. If you live near the woods and there are a lot of puddles and you enjoy walking your pup there, the vaccine would seem like a smart move to make. The disease is treatable if caught early and it responds well to antibiotics. However, some dogs are left with kidney disease or liver disease.

If you do choose to get your dog the vaccine, it's an initial shot, a booster a few weeks after, and then a yearly.

The cost of the vaccine ranges in price from $15-$45.

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