'You’re a repulsive human': Donald Trump Jr. receives harsh criticism after seemingly mocking Kavanaugh's sexual assault accuser on Instagram

The accusation of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh is becoming only more credible after Sen. Dianne Feinstein made the letter she received from the accuser public on Sunday, followed by the accuser herself coming forward. However, Donald Trump Jr. seems to think it’s all a big joke, according to a meme posted to his Instagram.

CNN published a redacted version of the letter sent to Feinstein in late July, detailing Kavanaugh’s alleged attempted rape of his 15-year-old high school peer, Christine Blasey Ford, when Kavanaugh was 17. Then President Trump’s son shared his interpretation of the letter. Alongside a meme seemingly mocking the content of the letter, Trump Jr. wrote a caption insulting the Democratic senator for exposing it. He has since been called “a repulsive human” by an Instagram user commenting on his post.

“Oh boy… the Dems and their usual nonsense games really have him on the ropes now,” Trump Jr. wrote. “Finestein [sic] had the letter in July and saved it for the eve of his vote… honorable as always.”

Many have shared their harsh criticism of the father of five for posting laughing emoji and making a joke out of the serious situation.

This is absolutely abhorrent,” one Instagram user wrote. “I can only imagine what deficiencies in your own character and intelligence would contribute to your posting something like this.” This was followed by another who wrote, “You have daughters? Shame on you. You are disgusting.”

Referring to the letter in the Trump post, which says “Will you be my girlfriend?” in a child’s handwriting, one Instagram user commented: “So you’ve learned to equate a person forcing another one in a bed, holding her down and trying to get her clothes off as a simple way for him to say he likes her?! You learned well from your dad.”

Another Instagram user went so far as to write a longer comment about the more widespread impact that a post like this can make: “This isn’t a commentary on Kavenaugh [sic] and his accuser, this is a complete lack of empathy on behalf DJ Jr. Even worse it’s posted one photo after a post with his beautiful daughter. I understand your father/role model has worked his way through several wives, but as a father to a young woman I’d hoped you could at least understand how you’d feel if it were your daughter in this situation and find a way to at least show some compassion and restraint. This is a careless and unnecessarily caustic post from someone in such a fortunate public position.”

One day later, the post remains on Trump Jr.’s Instagram page, without even an edit to the apparently blatant misspelling of Feinstein’s name. The jury’s out on whether Kavanaugh’s vote will still take place on Thursday, as some Democrats urge for it to be postponed.

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