Youth summer camp in Southwest Missouri combines education with fun

LAMAR, Mo. — A youth summer camp in Lamar continues to provide an outlet for kids to learn and have fun.

“It gives the kids a sense of stability and routine versus just sleeping in all day, staying up all night. We do make it fun, but also educational,” said Mandy Sturgell, AOK Camp Youth Lead Specialist.

“About Our Kids” holds a licensed camp for 35 children, providing service learning, field trips, crafts, and swimming two days a week.

“Continue the learning throughout the summer while also implementing fun things like they get to learn, you know, how to draw and how to, you know, they bang the drum and stuff, play with music and just all the various activities I think is really good for the community,” said Quinten Webb, AOK Camp Lead Youth Development Specialist.

It costs $90 a week, or one thousand dollars for the 12 full weeks.

Free breakfast, lunch and a snack is provided every day.

With Lamar not having a community pool, for the last four years AOK has had to travel to take their campers swimming.

“I personally feel like it is something very important that our community needs because, I mean, we brought 38 kids today. We brought 38 kids, although I love Pittsburgh, but that’s 38 kids that could also still be in our town swimming,” said Sturgell.

Youth Lead Specialist Mandy Sturgell says with most of Lamar parents having to travel for work, AOK continues to be an asset for the community.

“We are able to provide services and activities for kids at our building and also Nathan’s Place who may not otherwise have that opportunity to come and go swimming or go on field trips or go to Springfield Cardinals games, different things like that,” said Sturgell.

“Seeing them do all the things I did. And it’s cool to get back, you know? AOK gave a lot to me. New friendships and new learning. So I’m glad I get to teach the kids now what I’ve learned from,” said Webb.

The last day of the summer camp is August 9, and the after school program begins on August 19.

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