YouTube Creator Begins Construction On "Craziest Trail Ever Built"

In the Pacific Northwest, riding season is slowing. The days are getting shorter, and the weather is getting colder. Gone are the days of long summer rides.

However, the season for building trails has begun in earnest. Watch Mark Matthews begin construction on what will be an epic trail below.

As Mark explains, he has set out this winter to make a full trail that drops into his preexisting jump line. This is how many trails are born. Someone makes a cool feature and then looks up at the hillside above it and decides that there could be a trail there.

This video features the textbook Mark Matthews timelapse of a trail coming into existence as he rakes it. It is one of the most satisfying things to watch. See what I mean below.

This trail according to Matthews will be a fast and flowy trail with some steep technical sections to break it up. Sounds like my kind of trail!

Related: Youtuber Gets First Tracks On Exciting New Quebec Trail

In classic PNW fashion, the weather goes from bad to worse. All of a sudden rain turns into snow, and Matthews is forced to call it during the day. It is the trade-off of building trail: when the dirt becomes workable, the weather is garbage.

Stay tuned for more updates on this trail as the building season progresses.

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