Celebrate 40 Years of 'Annie Hall' With the Movie's 5 Best Lines

1977’s Best Picture winner Annie Hall was released 40 years ago on April 20. The film is considered one of the funniest romantic comedies ever made. Taking a script like the one Woody Allen crafted for this movie and dissecting it to just five moments means that a lot of wonderful dialogue has been tossed aside, but we’ll proceed nonetheless with our five favorite lines.

Diane Keaton and Woody Allen in ‘Annie Hall’ (Photo: Everett Collection)
Diane Keaton and Woody Allen in ‘Annie Hall’ (Photo: Everett Collection)

5. Annie (Diane Keaton): Oh my God! Look, there’s a parking space! Alvy (Woody Allen): That’s OK; we can walk to the curb from here.

4. Duane (Christopher Walken): I can anticipate the explosion, the sound of shattering glass, the flames rising out of the flowing gasoline. Alvy: All right — well, I have to go now, Duane, because I’m due back on the planet Earth.

3. Alvy Singer: Here, you look like a very happy couple … um, are you? Lady: Yeah. Alvy: Yeah? So, how do you account for it? Lady: Uh, I’m very shallow and empty, and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say. Gentleman: And I’m exactly the same way. Alvy: I see. Wow. That’s very interesting.

2. Alvy: You play very well. Annie: Oh yeah? So do you! Oh God, what a dumb thing to say, right? I mean, you say, ‘You play well,’ and then right away I have to say, ‘You play well.’ Oh God, Annie. Well — oh well. La-dee-dah, la-dee-dah, la la.

1. Alvy: Hey, don’t knock masturbation! It’s sex with someone I love.

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