'The Force Awakens': 5 Scenes That Remind Us of the Original Trilogy

If you’re like us, you’ve watched the new teaser for Star Wars: The Force Awakens nearly 1,138 times by now. So you’ve probably noticed that the forthcoming J.J. Abrams-directed movie has more than a few none-too-subtle callbacks and homages to the original trilogy (and, thankfully, not a single nod to the Jar Jar-jinxed films that followed). Here are a few of our favorite Force-ified flashbacks:


1. Super ’Troopers

When Finn (John Boyega) removes his Stormtrooper helmet, it’s hard not to think of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) doffing his space-cap while rescuing Princess Leia from the Death Star in 1977′s A New Hope. And just check out how miffed Finn looks in that shot! He’s definitely a little short for a Stormtrooper.


2. ’Ship-show

We can’t help but feel a little TIE-curious after checking out Force Awakens’ new pilots (and those subtly snazzy interiors) in our favorite Imperial flying machine, which are sleeker and shinier than the boxier editions seen in A New Hope — though why does the new pilot only need one air hose?


3. Sith-show

When an unidentified Force Awakens character (c’mon— we know it’s Luke) picks up the burned, broken remains of Darth Vader’s mask, it’s a surprisingly poignant reminder of Luke’s attempt to finally see his father in Return of the Jedi. It was also a reminder of those old Madballs commercials from the ‘80s.


4. The Falcon Crests

Seeing Han Solo’s ship twirl and turn through a downed Star Destroyer in Force Awakens — and doing so while narrowly avoiding bright-green laser-blasts — brought to mind the attack on the second Death Star from Return of the Jedi. Cue excited Nien Nunb reaction shot!


5. Rebel Yells

In Force Awakens, Oscar Isaac plays superstar star-pilot Poe Dameron (that’s not to be confused with Dameron Poe, the director of emo Hoth-set dramas from the ‘80s). In the new teaser, Dameron lets out a whoop similar to the one emitted by Han Solo (Harrison Ford) during A New Hope’s attack on the Death Star. As for what Dameron’s yelling? Well, maybe we’re a little biased, bit it sounds to our ears like “Yahoo!”

Watch the new 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' trailer: