Yahoo Movies

Gal Gadot on Her 'Wonder Woman' Costume: It's 'Comfortable' but 'Cold'

Wonder Woman takes to the battlefields of World War I in her hotly anticipated new origin story, in theaters now. And while she’s undoubtedly the most powerful combatant in the trenches, she’s also the most — how shall we say? — scantily clad.

But while many a Hollywood star has complained about the discomfort of their superhero suits over the years, Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot told Yahoo Movies that her red, blue, and gold get-up is at least manageable.

“It’s pretty comfortable. We had to make it comfortable because I wore it over six months,” Gadot said (watch above) of her outfit. Production on the Patty Jenkins-directed Wonder Woman took place in the United Kingdom, France, and Italy from late 2015 through May 2016.


There is, of course, a downside to her look, which sticks pretty close to the classic comic-book version: “It was cold when we were shooting outside in London during the winter,” Gadot admitted. But overall, she stressed, “It’s a pretty comfortable costume.”

It certainly doesn’t slow her down when it’s time for battle.

Watch Gal Gadot and Chris Pine talk about the Invisible Jet and Jumpa the Kangaroo:

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