Idina Menzel Is All for Elsa Being Gay in 'Frozen 2'

Among its many virtues, Disney’s Frozen presented a unique, princess-themed portrait of strong, independent womanhood. That has led some to champion the film’s ice-queen protagonist Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel) as a potential gay character, and even to petition — via the #GiveElseAGirlfriend Twitter hashtag — for the studio to have her “come out of the closet” for the forthcoming sequel. While visiting Ellen on Thursday, Menzel herself addressed that movement, as well as revealed her own opinions on Elsa’s sexuality.

Speaking to guest host Miley Cyrus, Menzel wholeheartedly agreed with Cyrus’s belief that Elsa should be a lesbian. However, when it came time to spill the beans on whether such a fan-proposed bombshell might be dropped by the follow-up to the 2013 hit — still the all-time highest-grossing animated film in movie history — Menzel confessed to being ignorant about the filmmakers’ plans, stating, “Honestly, I don’t know. And I’m a servant of Disney.”

Still, the actress made plain her own feelings on the subject, saying “I am all for it. I think it’s a wonderful idea.” You can hear her entire remarks in our video above, and stay tuned for more news about Frozen 2, which currently has no release date.