'Rogue One' Trailer Breakdown

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is about a group of Rebel agents on a mission to steal plans for the Empire’s Death Star. On Thursday, we got our first trailer for the film, and it looks … awesome. Here are some cool things we noticed.

Mon Mothma: First things first — wow! Genevieve O’Reilly looks just like our first Mon Mothma, Caroline Blakiston. We’d love to give credit to the casting department for this find, but this is actually O’Reilly’s second go at the character. The Irish actress was cast in Episode III, but her speaking lines were cut. Still, bravo.

Ben Mendelsohn: Then there’s Ben Mendelsohn. There’s speculation about what role the celebrated character actor will be taking on. Some think that he will be Grand Moff Tarkin, first played by Peter Cushing. But others have pointed out that his wardrobe and rank plate don’t match. MakingStarWars.net believes he’s a new villain created for this movie.

Jyn Erso: But enough with the supporting actors — let’s get to our star, Felicity Jones. One big mystery that The Force Awakens created was: Who is Rey’s mom? Some folks are wondering if it’s the character played by Jones, Jyn Erso. She would be around the same age as a young Luke Skywalker, who some think is Rey’s father. Others have noticed her name is similar to Jan Ors, a Star Wars extended-universe character who was a secret agent, which would make sense considering the plot of Rogue One.

Shadow Troopers: Speaking of the extended universe, shout-out to those black Stormtroopers, who might actually be called “Shadow Troopers” because, you know, shadows are black.

Darth Vader: Speaking of antagonists dressed in black, it’s possible we might have seen Darth Vader. A minute and change into the trailer, we see someone bowing in a way similar to Vader and the Emperor in films of the past, but we haven’t seen Darth wearing hoods before, so I think we’re going to have to wait and see if he’ll be in the film.

There are still so many questions. There’s no Alan Tudyk in the trailer — is he possibly the voice of a character? Maybe that droid following Jyn? Where’s Mads Mikkelsen? Is he the guy in black? What’s Diego Luna going to do, other than make sexy eyes? How does Disney expect us to wait until December for this to come out?

Yoda Might Be in Star Wars: Episode VIII:

Did you notice anything cool in the trailer? Think we’re off the mark on something or, better yet, totally right? Tell us what you think! Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram — or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.