The 10 Worst Bridezilla Stories of All Time

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Photo credit: Getty

From Good Housekeeping

In some ways, we get it - on their big day, brides want things to go their way. Consider all the money that it takes to throw a wedding, you'd be peeved if your flowers showed up the fuchsia instead of blush, too. The following brides, however, took things a step (okay, 50 steps) too far. Forget pre-wedding stress and day-of jitters - when you straight up host tryouts for your bridal party (yep), you become a member of an elite squad also known as the special (worst-ever) bridezillas unit. These are their stories.

1. This bride expected all bridesmaids to be brunette on her big day.

The sole red-head in this bridezilla's wedding party was pretty uncomfortable after she was told (by the bride, of course!) to dye her naturally ginger locks brown. Why? Red was too "attention-grabbing" and would "clash with the wedding colors." The worst part though was when the bride exerted her totalitarian power and told this poor woman that "brides get a veto over pretty much every aspect of her bridesmaids' appearances." Direct quote.

2. And this one wanted her bridesmaids to chip in for her *dream* wedding dress.

No. Like, just no, right? After obsessing over the smallest minutiae (the groomsmen's buttonholes for example) and dragging her bridesmaids to three consecutive weekends of wedding dress shopping, this bride-to-be said yes to a way over budget $10,500 dress. To offset overspending, the bride then asked her bridesmaids to pitch in for the gown, saying that the day would be that much more special if they directed contributed to her happiness.

3. If you're unsure about who to have in your bridal party, just host an auction! (No. Don't.)

A month out from her wedding, this bride still didn't have a bridal party. So, naturally, as bridezillas do, she sent out invites to multiple women, inviting them to an auction - the six highest bidders would be selected as bridesmaids. We first heard this gem of a story on Reddit, where the bride's sister (clearly the sensible one) told all, describing her sister as a spoiled high-riser. Apparently, there was also a separate auction for the maid of honor slot. Worst bridezilla in the history of weddings? Sold, to this girl!

4. No show guests? Bill 'em.

After a couple didn't show up to her wedding (their babysitter fell through last minute and the wedding was no-kids), this bride sent them an invoice for two herb-crusted walleye fish entrees, including tax and service charges. Honestly, we kind of get this one - the couple never notified the newlyweds or sent a gift, which is, at the end of the day, really wrong. On the bride's end, sending an invoice to no-show guests is something you may want to do, but is also probably something you shouldn't act on.

5. This "health guru" wanted ALL of her guests to "detox" for three weeks before the wedding.

Yep, wouldn't want any of those nasty toxins to cramp this totally-chill bride's happily ever after. Her small, tiny request? According to a press release, she "hopes that by requesting her guests try out a vegan and subsequently live food diet for 21 days, everyone will look and feel their best for HER big day." I'm sorry, what?

6. The price of being in this bridal party? Free labor.

As in, this bride wants everyone to take home fruit preserves as wedding favors, but wants her bridesmaids to drive to an orchard two hours away and spend all day picking said fruit. Jury's out on whether or not she asked them to make jam. This Reddit user explained that it got worse, though: "She wants custom embroidery added to all the bridesmaid's dresses - but she wants the bridesmaids to embroider them." Right, because we're all a bunch of seamstresses!

7. This bridezilla kicked two bridesmaids out of her wedding and then tried to poach their dresses.

After having a full blown meltdown - she accused people of not being happy "enough" that she was getting married - and screaming that her bridesmaids were purposefully making themselves "uglier" to ruin her day, this bride kicked two of her bridesmaids out. (They sound pretty lucky to us.) When the bride went to go pick up the bridesmaid dresses, she called the women up in hysterics, saying that she was two short (she was going to use the dresses her ex-bridesmaids had paid for as her replacements). Those smart gals had called David's Bridal and refunded their orders. Justice was served that day.

8. Nothing says "I won" like winking at the best man, who hates your guts, at the alter.

It's never cute when the bride and the best man don't get along, but this lady took it a little too far. She knew that her now-husband's best friend wasn't too keen on him marrying her, so she got a little payback at the alter. Wait, you just have to read Reddit user @dbay_com's firsthand account: "The ceremony went fine but I was pretty weirded out when she looks over at me and winks as soon as my buddy gets done saying his vows. 'I won' is what she was saying to me." SO CREEPY.

9. When the wedding is more like the contest for Pantone's Color of the Year.

Obsessed with having her nuptials featured on a popular wedding blog, this bride gave actual Pantone swatches to her bridesmaids so they could perfectly coordinate accessories and makeup. She took it even further when she sent out a PDF, listing ideal color combinations and fabrics, to all attending guests. She got featured on that wedding blog (good for her?), but man, that's ridiculous.

10. Bride makes bridesmaids weigh-in and lose/gain weight, earning her the title of Evilest Bridezilla Ever.

You know who doesn't deserve bridesmaids? Brides that make their bridal party step on the scale: "Weigh-ins will begin in 3 weeks. I for one would really like some time after Thanksgiving to make my body forget about what it consumed, so I thought I would give you guys some cushion room," she wrote in an email. Oh don't worry, she got meaner: "No-one can be skinner than the bride. That means Kelly and Lizzie will be on a protein weight-gainer diet exclusively until May. I will have the nutritionist call you to discuss diet plans. " Kelly and Lizzie? YOU ARE FINE.

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