17 lawmakers head to Israel on 6-day trip during Arizona's legislative session. Here's who's going

Seventeen Arizona House lawmakers are traveling to Israel next week to explore the events of the Oct. 7 attack and visit with the families of the Israelis held hostage by Hamas.

Their absence comes in the middle of the legislative session, creating a pause where one does not normally exist. The group Mass Liberation Arizona portrayed it as a "Zionist spring break" on its Instagram account.

"Arizona politicians love genocide and apartheid so much they're taking an all-expense-paid trip to Israel," the group wrote.

But Rep. Alma Hernandez, a Tucson Democrat who's the organizer of the six-day bipartisan excursion, cast the trip as educational, not a recreational junket as some critics have claimed. She also rejected critiques that the trip will slow legislative work.

State Rep. Alma Hernandez (District 20) addresses a crowd of protesters gathered outside the Arizona Capitol on July 13, 2023, in Phoenix.
State Rep. Alma Hernandez (District 20) addresses a crowd of protesters gathered outside the Arizona Capitol on July 13, 2023, in Phoenix.

"We are not stopping the state of Arizona from doing anything," she said.

House and Senate leaders say work will continue mostly as normal, although the House will be missing its speaker, Rep. Ben Toma, as well as several committee chairmen. The absences of nearly one-third of the House members means that the chamber will not be able to hold floor sessions, where the entire House debates and votes on bills.

The state Senate is not involved in the trip. Senate President Warren Petersen, R-Gilbert, said his chamber will continue work "as usual."

Hernandez, who is Jewish, said the trip is sponsored by New York-based nonprofit itrek. The group's mission is to introduce emerging American leaders to Israel.

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The lawmakers' visit will focus on the areas attacked by Hamas along the border with Gaza, she said. In addition to meetings with families of the hostages, the lawmakers will meet with Israeli leaders, members of the Knesset, military leaders and business officials, according to the trip's itinerary.

The organization is covering all transportation and ground costs for the travelers, who depart March 5 and are due to return March 10.

Hernandez issued the invites, and said she prioritized people who have not been to Israel.

The participating GOP House lawmakers include Toma and House Majority Leader Leo Biasiucci, as well as Michael Carbone, Neal Carter, David Cook, Alexander Kolodin, David Livingston, Quang Nguyen, Michele Pe?a and Justin Wilmeth.

The House Democrats include Seth Blattman, Nancy Gutierrez, Consuelo Hernandez, Lydia Hernandez, Chris Mathis and Keith Seaman.

Reach the reporter at [email protected] or at 602-228-7566 and follow her on Threads as well as on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter @maryjpitzl.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Bipartisan group of Arizona lawmakers takes a break for an Israel trip