2 pro-life senators want to save themselves, not Arizona's right to an abortion

The right to an abortion in Arizona is hanging by a thread — one held up by a pair of pro-life Republican senators.

Just two years ago, Sens. Shawnna Bolick and T.J. Shope were co-sponsors of a 15-week abortion bill that explicitly left the territorial abortion ban on the books, to come roaring back should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

“This act does not repeal, by implication or otherwise, section 13-3603,” their bill said, referring to the 1864 near total abortion ban.

On Wednesday, the pair joined with Senate Democrats to try to repeal the 19th century law they supported just two years ago.

If you’re feeling whiplash, you’re not alone.

If you suspect you’re watching a finely choreographed performance, you’re also not alone.

Bolick touted her pro-life stance in February

After last week’s Arizona Supreme Court ruling that revived that 1864 abortion ban, Bolick and Shope wasted no time in calling for a repeal of that abortion ban they supported in 2022.

Bolick’s about face was especially surreal, as she is not particularly known for masterful skill in the fine art of compromise. Yet, there she was, in full retreat.

“It is time for my legislative colleagues to find common ground of common sense,” Bolick said last week, just hours after her husband Justice Clint Bolick and three other members of the Arizona Supreme Court revived the 19th century law. “The first step is to repeal the territorial law.”

This, just two months after she was touting her pro-life credentials.

“As a state legislator, I have worked on bills protecting all lives, especially the most vulnerable, from the moment of conception until the end of life,” she said on Feb. 29.

And now?

Now, she and Shope are joining with the Senate’s 14 Democrats to try to muscle through repeal of that 160-year-old abortion ban they supported just two years ago.


They fill 3 must-win seats for Republicans

Shawnna Bolick is one of two Arizona senators pressing to repeal Arizona's 1864 near-total abortion ban.
Shawnna Bolick is one of two Arizona senators pressing to repeal Arizona's 1864 near-total abortion ban.

It’s worth mentioning that both are up for reelection in competitive districts this fall.

As is Rep. Matt Gress, the lone Republican who voted with Democrats in Wednesday's failed attempt to get a House vote on repeal.

All three are must-win seats, if the Republicans are to have a hope of hanging onto control of the House and Senate. That might explain why Republicans don’t seem especially perturbed by their colleagues suddenly stepping out of line on a core belief of the Republican Party.

Also worth mentioning: It’s easy to push for repeal of a draconian abortion ban when you know repeal won’t happen.

Abortion shot-caller: Says no on repeal of 1864 ban

“Abortion is a very complicated topic,” House Speaker Ben Toma said on Wednesday as he voted to block a vote on repealing the 1864 law. “It is ethically, morally complex. I understand that we have deeply held beliefs and I would ask everyone in this chamber to respect the fact that some of us have believed that abortion is, in fact, the murder of children.”

That doesn’t sound like a speaker who has much interest in allowing repeal to be put to a vote, should the Senate pass what’s now Senate Bill 1734.

Are they true abortion converts? Doubt it

Yet there were Shope and Bolick a few hours later, rolling over their fellow Republicans in their supposed zeal to allow that which they have for years fought against and opposed on moral grounds.

Whether Shope and Bolick truly want to repeal that abortion ban — or just want to be seen as wanting a repeal in order to boost their reelection chances — is something their constituents will have to figure out.

But come on. Shawnna Bolick, standing up for a woman’s right to choose?

Is anybody truly buying that?

Reach Roberts at [email protected]. Follow her on X (formerly Twitter) at @LaurieRoberts.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Arizona abortion lies with 2 pro-life senators who supported the ban