Bernie Sanders thinks Trump should consider resigning over sexual misconduct

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said that President Trump should consider resigning over the various sexual assault allegations against him.

On Thursday morning, during an appearance on “CBS This Morning,” Sanders was asked to weigh in on the sexual misconduct controversies embroiling the Senate right now. Democratic lawmakers were calling on Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., to resign over allegations that he groped and forcibly kissed women. Meanwhile, Roy Moore, who is accused of sexually assaulting teenaged girls, is running for Senate in Alabama. Trump and other prominent Republicans still support his candidacy.

“Well, let me take it a step further,” Sanders said on the morning show. “We have a president of the United States who acknowledged on a tape widely seen all over the country that he assaulted women. So I would hope maybe the president of the United States might pay attention to what’s going on and also think about resigning.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders and President Trump (Photos: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
Sen. Bernie Sanders and President Trump (Photos: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

Sanders, a former Democratic presidential candidate, was referencing the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape that rattled but did not destroy Trump’s presidential campaign. He had boasted that his celebrity status allows him to “just start kissing” beautiful women and “grab them by the pussy.” Trump later dismissed these comments as “locker room talk,” but they were a driving force behind the popular Women’s March and related “pussyhats.”

Sanders told “CBS This Morning” co-anchor Gayle King that she is “absolutely right” in assuming that the problem goes beyond Franken.

On Wednesday, Sanders released a statement saying that American culture is at a crossroads and that Franken should resign.

“The way we treat women in our country has been abysmal in almost every way. We are finally addressing the issue of sexual harassment, and we need to get it right,” Sanders said. “But the conversation we are having now is only the tip of the iceberg. It needs to be an ongoing movement of women and men that includes a national discussion about sexism, sexual harassment, objectification, inequality and abuse of power.”

Franken announced that he is resigning in a speech on the Senate floor Thursday. Shortly after, Sanders reiterated his point about Trump on Twitter.

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