Biden says he expects Iran to attack Israel 'sooner than later'

Speaking to reporters after delivering remarks virtually to the National Action Network Convention, President Biden said he expects an attack on Israel from Iran to be "sooner than later." Asked if he had a message to Iran, the president's answer was "Don't."

Video Transcript

- How eminent do you think an attack on Israel is from Iran, Mr. President?

JOE BIDEN: I don't want to get into secure information, but my expectations sooner than later.


JOE BIDEN: Thank you.

- Mr. President--

- [INAUDIBLE] right now.

- Mr. President, what is--

- --your message to Iran in this moment?


- Or else what?

- Are American personnel and assets--

- Will the US respond?

- --at risk, Mr. President?

- Are you sending more US troops?

- Mr. President, are American troops at risk as well?

JOE BIDEN: We are devoted to the defense of Israel. We will support Israel. We will defend-- help defend Israel. And Iran will not succeed. Thank you very much.