Case against another Trump presidency is clear. Why can't MAGA supporters see clearly?

Editor's note: The letters below reflect the views of individual readers. This letters to the editor package is dedicated to Middle Tennessee residents who oppose Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump. Scroll to the bottom to see how you can add your voice, whether you agree or disagree. We welcome diverse viewpoints.

Trump and comedian Lenny Bruce are a lot alike

In the early to mid-1950s, Leonard Alfred Schneider, famously known as Lenny Bruce, rose meteorically in the world of stand-up comic and became the most famous stand-up in the country.

By the early 1960s, Bruce, having been arrested on any number of charges including theft, fraud, and obscenity, became so obsessed with his legal troubles that his performances often included rants about them, together with tirades against fascism, and complaints about being denied his First Amendment rights to freedom of speech. Consumed by his grievances and sense of persecution, Bruce’s career cratered.

Is Donald Trump the Lenny Bruce of American politics?

Robert Cobb, Brentwood 37027

Counterpoint: Tennessee supports Donald Trump. The rest of America should too and elect him president.

How can “MAGA people” possibly not see Trump’s faults

Re: “MAGA people' care about freedom. That's why we're voting for Trump, not Kamala Harris,” letters,

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a news conference at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., on Aug. 15, 2024.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a news conference at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J., on Aug. 15, 2024.

MAGA Republicans: I just don’t understand. Donald Trump’s presidency proved that he is the most unfit candidate in history, and yet you are willing to vote for him again. Doesn’t character count?

He is mentally unstable, and you don’t care. He is a pathological liar, and yet you believe every word he says, without fact checking any of his statements.

He is a convicted felon and you don’t care. He was found liable of sexual abuse, an adulterer, and a misogynist, and you don’t care. He is completely self-absorbed, narcissistic, and emotionally insecure, and you don’t care. He degrades women, demeans minorities, and attacks anyone who opposes him. He has called for the termination of the Constitution.

He refuses to accept his defeat in the last presidential election, despite no credible evidence whatsoever that there was any fraud. The courts rejected every case brought to them. He has openly stated his plans to be a dictator. Doesn’t any of that bother you?

The Republican Party plans to deport millions of immigrants and reduce the rights of women and members of the LGBTQ community. Both of those acts are immoral and unethical. They go against the main tenet of Christianity: Love your neighbor.

How can you not care?

Donald Trump is only running for president to avoid a prison sentence. He constantly bashes this country. Do you really believe he has any desire to help anyone but himself? He is fundamentally unwell. He has no moral compass. He is evil. Yet, you just don’t care. I believe character counts. Why don’t you?

Dennis Bentley, Hendersonville 37075

GOP immigration policies put America in danger

Some people have a confused and narrow understanding of immigration. Although we need limits, when a bill came up on immigration that both sides agreed to, Trump told his followers not to vote for it. Trump was scared that Biden would look good if it passed.

One hears talk that Harris was appointed to be the "Border Czar" by Biden. No, she was appointed to explore the reasons for immigration; this would focus on the corruption and crime in the immigrants’ native lands, which virtually forced them to seek the safety of the USA.

Trump keeps saying that the immigrants are all violent criminals and illicit drug importers. But the FBI and local police records show a lower crime rate among immigrants compared to the rest of the USA. Illicit drugs usually come in via planes, trucks, and narco submarines. Drug cartels would not want to let folks walking hundreds of miles carry expensive illicit drugs.

Then there is the myth that immigrants are going to take all our jobs. But how many native born Americans want to do stoop labor in agriculture or any of the undesirable jobs that immigrants will accept?

If we exclude most immigrants, our economy would be in terrible shape since we cannot function without their labor. Of course, their children may become doctors or lawyers, which may evoke fears in some citizens.

Larry Blanz, Nashville 37221

When Trump loses, what will traditional Republicans do? Will they finally speak up?

Trump desperately needs some American history lessons

It was only slightly confusing to hear at Donald Trump's press ramble on Aug. 15 that the worst day in the entire history of the United States of America was in 2021, when 13 Marines and 170 Afghan civilians were killed in a horrible act of war.

I thought immediately about the White House burning in the war of 1812, and the South firing on Fort Sumter in 1861. It didn't take me long to get to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, to say nothing of Gettysburg, the Beirut Marine barracks or  Oklahoma City bombings.

Just a little bit of thought and I remembered the Chicago fire, the San Francisco earthquake,  the Galveston hurricane and Hurricane Katrina.

Custer's Last Stand didn't even make my top ten list.

Who is this man who would discount and distort the entire history of The United States of America to satisfy his small-minded, small-handed ego?

P.W. Kimball, Nashville 37212

Agree or disagree? Or have a view on another topic entirely? Send a letter of 250 words or fewer to [email protected]. Include your full name, city/town, ZIP and contact information for verification. Thanks for adding to the public conversation.

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Trump at best is a comedian, but at worst, he is a danger to America