Charter schools, mental health days and more: These 14 new Kentucky laws just took effect

Outside the Kentucky State Capitol Building in Frankfort on Tuesday. Dec. 18, 2018
Outside the Kentucky State Capitol Building in Frankfort on Tuesday. Dec. 18, 2018

Kentucky's General Assembly enacted over 200 new laws during its annual legislative session earlier this year. Most of them take effect Thursday.

Some of the bills legislators passed became the law of the land right away thanks to 'emergency' designations. Others have special effective dates still to come.

But the vast majority of the commonwealth's new laws — including major education measures — become official this week.

Here's a brief rundown of 14 noteworthy ones:

Changes to public benefits

House Bill 7 is a sweeping law that adds various requirements to the commonwealth's public benefits system, including extra rules concerning Kentuckians who apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly food stamps), Medicaid or other such public assistance.

Many, but not all, of HB 7's provisions take effect Thursday.

More: Kentucky legislature passes public benefit overhaul, amid advocates' protests

Anti-transgender sports ban

Senate Bill 83 prohibits transgender girls and women from competing on girls and women’s sports teams starting in grade six through the collegiate level.

It does not set similar restrictions for men's and co-ed teams.

More: Here's what to know about the Kentucky legislature's transgender sports ban

Charter school funding

House Bill 9 creates a permanent funding mechanism for charter schools, which are publicly funded but privately operated.

Charter schools have been legal in Kentucky since 2017, but none have opened largely because of a lack of funding. HB 9 will likely make it easier for charters to open in Kentucky.

It also requires Jefferson County Public Schools and a group in Northern Kentucky to each approve and oversee a charter school by July 2023.

The so-called 'porch pirate' law

Senate Bill 23 makes it a felony to steal packages delivered by companies like UPS from someone's porch. (It already was a felony to steal something the U.S. Postal Service dropped off at your door.)

More: Why even some 'Porch Pirate' victims think package theft law isn't the answer

Image of a "porch pirate," courtesy of C + R Research.
Image of a "porch pirate," courtesy of C + R Research.

Anti-SLAPP law

House Bill 222 targets what's known as a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP).

It sets up a process through which frivolous lawsuits intended to restrict someone's First Amendment right to free speech can be dismissed, with costs awarded to the person who got sued.

Barring certain people from becoming peace officers

House Bill 206 prohibits anyone convicted of misdemeanor-level sexual abuse or certain related crimes from becoming or remaining a certified peace officer, meaning they can't serve in law enforcement. (Anyone convicted of a felony already is barred from serving as an officer.)

No death penalty for people with serious mental illness

House Bill 269 generally prevents Kentucky's judicial system from handing down a death penalty for someone who has had "active symptoms and a documented history, including a diagnosis," of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder or delusional disorder.

Crackdown on people who practice law without a license

House Bill 256 makes it a felony if someone is convicted two or more times for unlawfully practicing law as an attorney without a license.

It also makes the first offense for this a higher-level misdemeanor.

More: Lawmakers push bill seemingly aimed at suspended 'bad boy' lawyer Eric Deters

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Senate Bill 164 establishes a state partnership with the initiative Dolly Parton, the iconic country singer, established in 1995 to give free books to kids.

The new Kentucky program will send age-appropriate books to children up to age 5 in counties that participate.

More: Dolly Parton's sister, Stella, lashes out at a Kentucky legislator. Here's why.

Work Ready scholarships expanded to students with intellectual disabilities

Senate Bill 94 expands eligibility to receive a Work Ready Kentucky scholarship to students who have intellectual disabilities and are enrolled in a comprehensive transition and postsecondary program.

Deeming religious service 'essential' during a state of emergency

House Bill 43, among other things, says government agencies generally can't restrict a religious organization's operation "to the same or any greater extent" than non-religious groups that provide essential services.

This specifically applies to states of emergency, like the one Kentucky had earlier in the current pandemic.

The new law also establishes a way for religious organizations to sue the government over related allegations of discrimination.

More: Beshear signs religious freedom bill that targets his actions early in pandemic

Kentucky state troopers take down license plates of people attending an in-person Easter service at Maryville Baptist Church in Hillview, Kentucky.
Kentucky state troopers take down license plates of people attending an in-person Easter service at Maryville Baptist Church in Hillview, Kentucky.

Mental health days for K-12 students

House Bill 44 lets public school districts permit students to receive excused absences for taking a day off school for mental health or behavior-related needs.

The same bill also corrects an "oversight" in a separate bill that would have opened teachers up to criminal sanctions for teaching about race.

School boards must allow public comment

House Bill 121 requires school boards in Kentucky to offer a public comment period during their regular meetings when members of the public can speak.

'Swatting' becomes a felony

House Bill 48 makes it a felony to engage in "swatting,"  which involves making a fake 911 call that leads to an emergency response.

For example, someone could call 911 and say a serious crime is happening at another person's home, prompting a SWAT team to show up.

Morgan Watkins is The Courier Journal's chief political reporter. Contact her at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter: @morganwatkins26.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: 14 new Kentucky laws that take effect in July 2022