Cleveland County kids get an education in bluegrass

Henhouse Prowlers put on four days of shows to Cleveland County students this week.
Henhouse Prowlers put on four days of shows to Cleveland County students this week.

The Chicago-based quartet Henhouse Prowlers are no stranger to unfamiliar faces. The self-described bluegrass ambassadors have been travelling the world and performing for audiences of all types for nearly two decades.

This week the group brought its act to Cleveland County, playing a number of shows at the Don Gibson Theatre in front of audiences who weren't all totally familiar with the concept of bluegrass.

For four days the band, consisting of guitarist Chris Dollar, bassist Jon Goldfine, banjo player Ben Wright and mandolin player Jake Howard, performed three shows a day to fourth-grade students from around Cleveland County Schools.

"So its about 1,100 students," said Howard after a performance on Tuesday. "Honestly it is so rewarding and incredible. We are really fortunate to be able to this for a living and teaching students is one of our passions."

The performances are part of a collaborative effort between the band's nonprofit organization and the Earl Scruggs Center, with the aim of educating young people about Cleveland County's musical history and about bluegrass music in general.

Jake Howard teaches Tamariah Lockhart how to play the mandolin on Tuesday at the Don Gibson Theatre.
Jake Howard teaches Tamariah Lockhart how to play the mandolin on Tuesday at the Don Gibson Theatre.

Band members said they started researching Cleveland County's bluegrass and blues history in November to help craft a lesson about the area and its contributions to American culture and music worldwide.

"I'm also really proud to be able to get in front of a bunch of kids like that and be like, 'Being an artist is a viable way to make a living.' Hopefully we can inspire at least a few of them to pick up an instrument," said Wright.

Each performance lasted about an hour and consisted of a mixture of songs and stories told by the band. Near the end of each show, students were given a chance to ask members of the bands questions specific questions they had about music, the Henhouse Prowlers or the instruments they play.

"The students have been great. They are well behaved, and they ask a lot of good questions," said Goldfine.

Jake Howard shows Makayah Hart how to play the mandolin.
Jake Howard shows Makayah Hart how to play the mandolin.

"They had some unique questions. One asked us do we upgrade our instruments," added Wright. "Yes! That is a huge part of being a musician, getting good enough at your instrument to be able to deserve a really high quality instrument. And it is great to talk to the kids about when you start off you are going to play a cheaper but perfectly fine instrument, and then as you put the time in you earn the right to buy a really nice instrument. It's like buying a car. It's a big investment."

More: Bluegrass Ambassadors to visit students, perform for the community

Before leaving the Don Gibson Theatre, band members gave students a chance to try their hand at playing their instruments.

Brayden Saunders, a fourth-grader at Casar Elementary, said he was particularly taken with the mandolin.

"It was very cool. It plays really loud," he said. "I really want that so that if I strum it really loud, I can annoy my sister with it."

Henhouse Prowlers will wrap their stay in Shelby with a final performance on Thursday night at the Don Gibson Theatre. Tickets are on sale at the box office, and parents of Cleveland County Schools students who participated in this week's shows can get discounts for themselves and their children.

Tickets are $26 and can be purchased by visiting or by calling 704-487-8114.

Dustin George can be reached at 704-669-3337 or [email protected].

This article originally appeared on The Shelby Star: Henhouse Prowlers put on private shows for Cleveland County students