Deadline is Monday to register to vote, change party registration for Aug. 20 primary

Time is running out for Brevard County residents to register to vote in advance of the Aug. 20 primary elections or to change their political party affiliation in time for the primary. The deadline — known as the "book-closing" date — for either action is Monday.

Because Florida is a closed-primary state, only registered Republicans can vote in a Republican primary and only registered Democrats can vote in a Democratic primary. All registered voters can vote in nonpartisan primaries, such as for Brevard School Board, judge races, and municipal races for mayor and council seats.

Most of the partisan primaries in Brevard County are Republican. A number of voters have switched their party registrations this year to Republican ― some with the specific purpose of voting in GOP primaries that they would not be able to vote in as registered Democrats, members of minor political parties or "no party affiliation" voters.

For example, from Jan. 1 through July 17, 3,716 Brevard voters have switched their registration to Republican, including 1,225 former Democrats and 2,190 former NPA voters. That compares with 1,142 who switched to Democrat, including 299 former Republicans and 760 former NPA voters.

Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic stands next to some of the 65,601 vote-by-mail ballots for the Aug. 20 primary before they were mailed out to voters.
Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic stands next to some of the 65,601 vote-by-mail ballots for the Aug. 20 primary before they were mailed out to voters.

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Here's what you need to know about the upcoming primary:

How can I register to vote or change my political party registration?

You can go to one of four supervisor of elections administrative office to do so in person. They are open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

These are the office locations:

  • Melbourne: 1515 Sarno Road, Building A.

  • Palm Bay: 450 Cogan Drive SE.

  • Titusville: 400 South St., Suite 1F.

  • Viera: 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Building C, Suite 105.

Or you can do it online at You will need a driver's license or state identification number, plus a Social Security number, to do this online.

How do I request a mail ballot for the election?

Voters not already on the mail ballot request list have until 5 p.m. Aug. 8 to request a mail ballot be sent to them prior to the Aug. 20. election.

Requests can be made at, by calling 321-290-VOTE (8683) or at any of the four administrative offices.

Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Tim Bobanic said that "for those who vote by mail, it is important to know if there is a current request on file to receive a ballot in the mail. Requests expired after the 2022 general election, and my office has been working to ensure all voters who choose to vote by mail have a current request on file.”

Current requests are valid for one general election cycle, and if requested now are good through Dec. 31, 2024.

When are the vote-by-mail ballots being mailed?

For those voters who already requested them, military and overseas mail ballots were sent out on July 5. Domestic mail ballots were sent on Thursday.

What are the nonpartisan primaries that all registered voters can vote in?

Brevard School Board (Districts 3 and 4); 18th Judicial Circuit judge (Group 17); Brevard County judge (Groups 6 and 10); Palm Bay mayor; Palm Bay City Council (Seats 2 and 3); Titusville mayor.

What are the Republican primaries that only Republicans can vote in?

U.S. Senator; U.S. Representative (District 8); Florida Senate (District 19); Florida House of Representatives (Districts 32 and 33); Brevard County Tax Collector; Brevard County Supervisor of Elections; Brevard County Commission (Districts 1, 3 and 5); Republican state committeeman and state committeewoman; several Republican precinct committeeman and committeewoman positions.

What are the Democratic primaries that only Democrats can vote in?

U.S. Senator; U.S. Representative (District 8); Florida House of Representatives (District 33); several Democratic precinct committeeman and committeewoman positions.

Will there be early voting for the Aug. 20 primary?

Yes. Early voting for the primary will be conducted from Saturday, Aug. 10, through Saturday, Aug. 17, at 10 locations throughout Brevard. Voting takes place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays, and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends.

Voters can cast their ballot at any early-voting site, regardless of where they live.

For locations, select the “Early Voting” tab at the top of the page on the website. Voters should be aware some locations have changed from previous elections.

How many registered voters are there?

As of July 18, there were 429,058 registered voters in Brevard County, including:

  • Republicans: 193,629

  • Democrats: 113,610

  • No party affiliation: 107,389

  • Minor party: 14,430

What else should voters know?

Bobanic encourages voters to verify that their voter record is accurate; to update their signature on file at the Supervisor of Elections Office if it has changed; and to know where their precinct-specific polling location is if they choose to vote in person on Election Day.

He also stresses that voters who have concerns about information they have seen heard about the election can get accurate information by going to the website or by calling the office 321-290-VOTE (8683).

Dave Berman is business editor at FLORIDA TODAY. Contact Berman at [email protected], on X at @bydaveberman and on Facebook at

This graphic breaks down what primary election voters will see on their ballot, based on their political party registration.
This graphic breaks down what primary election voters will see on their ballot, based on their political party registration.

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: If you want to vote in Aug. 20 primary, register by Monday