Donald Trump Boasts Of Love For Kim Jong Un: 'I Think He Misses Me'

Donald Trump gushed over his relationship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un during his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday.

The former president, who met with Kim multiple times as president and once likened the relationship to romantic “chemistry,” said he “got along very well” with the dictator while he was in office.

“The press hated when I said that. How could you get along with him? Well, you know, it’s nice to get along with somebody who has a lot of nuclear weapons,” Trump told the RNC crowd in Milwaukee.

The former president, who over time went from hurling insults at the dictator to praising him, added that he’d continue to reach out to Kim should he return to the Oval Office next year.

“He’d like to see me back, too. I think he misses me, if you want to know the truth,” said Trump, whose remarks got a share of laughter and applause from the crowd.

The GOP presidential nominee — who has planned to act like a “dictator” on “day one” of a second term — has described his relationship with Kim as “very beautiful.” He once declared that the two “fell in love” while discussing the letters they exchanged.

Trump has previously expressed his desire for people to “sit up at attention” like people do for Kim in his country.

Elsewhere in his RNC acceptance speech, Trump claimed Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar referred to him as “your excellently” and called far-right Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “very tough.”
