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DONALD TRUMP: Syrian refugees could be an ISIS 'plot' to launch a massive 'military coup' against US

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donald trump scrum ap

(AP Photo/Mark Zaleski)
Donald Trump.

Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump has recently been sounding the alarm over a potential Islamic State-led "military coup" in the US.

The possible future culprit, according to Trump: Syrian refugees and migrants.

"It could be one of the greatest coups of all time," Trump said in a Fox News "Hannity" interview that aired Friday evening. "They could be ISIS. It could be a plot. I mean, I don't want to think in terms of conspiracy, but it could be a plot."

The Republican presidential front-runner used similarly heated language in interviews throughout the weekend, while warning the US against accepting thousands of refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war. Trump argued that at least some of the refugees will "definitely" be jihadists from the Islamic State (also known as ISIS).

"This could be one of the great military coups of all time if they send them to our country — young, strong people — and they turn out to be ISIS. Now, probably that won't happen. But some of them definitely, in my opinion, will be ISIS," Trump said in a "Cashin' In" interview that aired Saturday.

"This could be like a Trojan horse," he added. "I mean, this could be a Trojan horse in a sense: 200,000 people coming into the United States, and let's say a lot of them would be ISIS. And they come in here and we're totally unprepared for it."

And in a Sunday "Fox & Friends" interview, Trump doubled down on the "Trojan horse" comparison — a reference to the tale in which the ancient Greeks used a giant wooden horse as a ruse to infiltrate Troy.

"We don't know who they are. It could be one of the great Trojan horses," Trump said. "I think it probably isn't. But the word 'probably' is not acceptable. It could be one of the great Trojan horses of all time."

However, Trump appears to be overstating the number of Syrian refugees in line to enter the US. looked into Trump's claim Sunday and concluded that his "numbers just don't add up."

"Donald Trump keeps saying he 'heard' the Obama administration plans to accept 200,000 Syrian refugees. He misheard, because that's inaccurate," the fact-checking site's Eugene Kiely wrote.

"The administration has said its goal is to accept 185,000 total refugees of all nationalities over the next two fiscal years," Kiely continued. "It is committed to accepting up to 85,000 in fiscal year 2016, including at least 10,000 Syrians."

NOW WATCH: Donald Trump on Syrian refugees: 'If I win they're going back'

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