Ex-election security chief Christopher Krebs sues Trump campaign, lawyer for defamation

Christopher Krebs, the government's former election security chief who was fired for describing the November vote as the most secure in history, sued the Trump campaign and one of the president's lawyers for defamation Tuesday, claiming that the attorney falsely characterized his remarks as treasonous while suggesting that Krebs be "taken out at dawn and shot."

In the legal action filed in a Maryland state court, Krebs characterized Joseph diGenova's statements during a Nov. 30 Newsmax broadcast as "shockingly irresponsible and dangerous."

The former Department of Homeland Security official asserted that diGenova's commentary was especially troubling because it was "released into the current climate of political toxicity and instability, in which public officials across the country...are being targeted with acts and threats of violence simply for performing their public duties."

More: Trump campaign lawyer stirs outrage by saying ex-cyber chief should be 'taken out at dawn and shot'

The Department of Homeland Security's cyber chief Christopher Krebs, who presided over an elaborate election security effort guarding against foreign interference and fraud, was ousted by President Donald Trump as part of a continuing post-election purge of top national security officials. Trump announced the dismissal in a tweet.
The Department of Homeland Security's cyber chief Christopher Krebs, who presided over an elaborate election security effort guarding against foreign interference and fraud, was ousted by President Donald Trump as part of a continuing post-election purge of top national security officials. Trump announced the dismissal in a tweet.

Krebs, who also named Newsmax Media Inc. as a defendant, accused the group of encouraging "actual violence" against him and other Republicans "for speaking truth and performing his constitutional duties without regard to party loyalty.”

DiGenova declined to comment Tuesday.

In a statement, Newsmax called the lawyer's comments "inappropriate."

"Mr. diGenova is not a paid contributor to Newsmax and has no official ties to him," the company said. Mr. diGenova has appeared on Newsmax since then on two occasions stating that he made the comment 'facetiously' and apologized. He stated that he intended no harm to Mr. Krebs."

But the Krebs' lawsuit claimed that the attorney's claims with the support of the Trump campaign are part of a "continuing conspiracy" designed to discourage Republicans from speaking out against unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud.

2/24/99 -- Washington, D.C. -- Joseph diGenova, a Trump campaign lawyer, testified before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee on the future of the Independent Counsel Act.
2/24/99 -- Washington, D.C. -- Joseph diGenova, a Trump campaign lawyer, testified before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee on the future of the Independent Counsel Act.

"This objective—retaliating against Republicans who publicly rejected the 'rigged election' narrative—was... a central element of the Defendants’ conspiracy," Krebs claimed, adding that the Trump campaign has used the argument to "fraudulently entice" supporters to continue donating money for the president's future political activities.

According to the lawsuit, diGenova’s comments "led to an avalanche of despicably offensive and frighteningly threatening statements" directed at Krebs.

The former Department of Homeland Security official, who served as director of the Cyber-security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), said his "fears were shared by his wife and several of his five young children, including his ten-year-old, who piercingly asked: 'Daddy’s going to get executed?'

”No parent should ever have to hear those words," he said.

Krebs was abruptly fired last month by President Donald Trump, just days after declaring that the election was secure in a pointed rebuke to the president who continues to allege without evidence that the vote was "rigged."

The president's flurry of legal actions, pursued by a team that has included diGenova and Rudy Giuliani, have been largely dismissed.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Christopher Krebs sues Trump campaign, Joseph diGenova for defamation