Grant will fund community projects to make community more accessible and inclusive
COSHOCTON ? The Coshocton County Board of Developmental Disabilities recently funded several community projects thanks to a grant of $299,800 from the State of Ohio.
Money is being used to upgrade a community-based playground, install adult changing tables, increase assistive technology, assist with covering costs for people with disabilities to attend conferences and other projects.
"Grant money is wonderful because we can try new things without burdening our local taxpayers. The dollars will help with inclusion and give individuals access to more places in the community,” Superintendent Steve Oster said in a press release.
The funding is part of $14.9 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money that will be distributed across 67 counties to better support Ohioans with developmental disabilities and their families.
“For many people with disabilities and their families, an inclusive community starts with an accessible community,” said Kim Hucks, the director of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, in the release.
Funding will be used for:
● Universal changing tables will be installed in facilities throughout the community. A portable table will also be purchased and housed at a convenient location.
● Smart ovens, robotic vacuums and Alexa voice activated technology will be purchased and placed in homes to allow individuals to live more independently. The Coshocton County Board of DD owns eight homes in the community that houses DD individuals.
● Funding will be used for enrollment and attending of conferences to increase confidence and self-advocacy skills of DD individuals. This includes the Synergy and PAR conferences, but can be used for other conferences and training specific to one's disability.
● Caroline's Carts are grocery carts used by adults with special needs. The Board of DD is working with local stores to make them more accessible.
● Accessible picnic tables will be placed in community parks, enabling individuals to take better advantage of community attractions. One park will also receive DD accessible playground equipment and have bathroom facilities upgraded for better accessibility.
●Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency has expressed need for an additional handicapped accessible van for its fleet. A new vehicle would greatly benefit people in the DD program in accessing the community and expanding their use of waiver services.
● Money will also be used to provide community experiences for DD individuals. Many people and their families would like to attend the zoo, theater, sporting events and other activities, but can't afford to go. Grant funding will be used for entrance fees, travel and staffing related to providing support for such trips.
This article originally appeared on Coshocton Tribune: Coshocton County Board of DD receives funding for community projects