Having kids DOES make you happier, but only after they leave the nest, study finds

Who really is happier — people with or without children?

German researchers looked at data from a European survey that asked 55,000 people aged 50 and older about their emotional well-being. Led by Christoph Becker at Heidelberg University in Germany, researchers found that parents were happier, but only after their children had moved out.

These empty-nesters experienced less symptoms of depression and greater joy in life. Becker told New Scientist it could be that children now lend their parents much needed support.

"Hence, children’s role as caregivers, financial support or simply as social contact might outweigh negative aspects of parenthood," Becker said.

The study adds that maintaining a relationship with children may stave off loneliness.

"As stress associated with balancing the competing demands of childcare, work and personal life decreases, once people get older and their children leave house, the importance of children as caregivers and social contacts might prevail," the study states.

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U.S. parents happier, too, but they may have to wait for it

University of Utah researcher Nicholas Wolfinger analyzed four decades of data for a 2018 study and found that empty-nest parents ages 50 to 70 were 5 to 6 percent more likely to report being very happy than those with children still at home.

But, parents may have to wait a while to get that greater life satisfaction. In 2018, 15% of millennials (ages 25 to 37) were living in their parents’ home.

Other studies offered found mixed reviews over whether people with kids are really happier.

A Princeton University and Stony Brook University 2013 study found "little difference" in well-being to having children at home or having no children at home once factors such as income, education, religion and health were factored out.

A United Kingdom Open University 2013 study found that childless married and unmarried couples were slightly more satisfied than married couples. They also felt more valued by their partners than pairs with children.


This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Empty nest? Parents happier when kids move out, study finds