Here's what candidates for two Sturgeon Bay City Council seats have to say on the issues

STURGEON BAY - The candidates in Sturgeon Bay's two contested races for City Council expressed their views to the Advocate on issues they hope to address should they win seats in the April 2 spring election.

In District 2 (Wards 3 through 5, roughly between Michigan Street, South 16th Place and Memorial Drive, along with part of downtown between North Third and North Sixth from Michigan to Jefferson Street), Ald. Dennis Statz is being challenged by Matthew Huston. In District 6 (Wards 16 through 18, north of Georgia Street between roughly Eighth and 18th avenues), Ald. Seth Wiederanders will face challenger Tom Benzshawel. A third council race also is up for election, but District 4 Ald. Spencer Gustafson is running unopposed to retain his seat.

The Advocate asked the candidates in the two contested races to answer a short survey to let readers know who they are, why they're running and what issues are important to them and their constituents. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order; some answers have been edited for length or style but not for content.

District 2

Matthew Huston

Address: 111 S. Seventh Ave., Sturgeon Bay

Age: 33

Current occupation/highest education level: Co-owner of Door County Dragonfly Bed & Breakfast; senior digital media strategist at Amadeus Hospitality. Bachelor's of Business Administration.

Matthew Huston
Matthew Huston

Public service experience: This is my first time running for public office. However, I am a Sturgeon Bay native with a family history extending to the very founding of this community. I am very involved in several organizations and volunteer opportunities in the community.

Contact information: 920-333-2442; [email protected];

Dennis Statz

Address: 525 Louisiana St.

Age: 70

Current occupation/highest education level: Self-employed, White Lace Inn (started 1982) and Dancing Bear (started 1994), with co-owner and wife, Bonnie Statz. Engineering degree, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dennis Statz
Dennis Statz

Public service experience: Since the early 1980s I have played an integral role in supporting the local economy, encouraging tourism and developing lasting initiatives for Sturgeon Bay’s development and growth. Helped start Third Avenue Playhouse. Served on the Governor’s Council on Tourism, 1989-1994; Sturgeon Bay Historic Preservation Commission, Chairman, 1986-2008; Sturgeon Bay Plan Commission, 2008-present. Helped initiate the Main Street Program for Destination Sturgeon Bay in 1994, served on the board several times. Twice on the board of Destination Door County. Involved with Sturgeon Bay Rotary Club for about five years.

Contact information: 920-559-0561

Why are you running for office?

Huston: With a longstanding tradition of service, my family has often found its calling in the military. As the first in my family to graduate from college, I didn't pursue the military path, but my commitment to serving my community endures. Seeking office is my way of giving back to the community that has supported me, advocating for my neighbors and ensuring their voices are heard in local governance.

Statz: Our citizens need to be represented at the local government level by people willing to listen to their concerns. I am a firm believer in open communications and that public servants have an obligation to learn all the facts, provide input and listen to feedback before voting.

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Huston: I am a local business owner with deep ties to the community. Sturgeon Bay has been my family’s home for generations and I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve the community, activate change and be a voice for my neighbors in the city government. I will bring new ideas and ways of thinking not represented fully in the current City Council. I strongly feel that my community is looking for new leadership and forward thinking rather than the status quo.

Statz: During my term as the current alderman for District 2 I have supported the needs and worked to address the concerns of the people who live in District 2. I’m a resident and a business owner in the district and have a significant investment in both my district and the city. I have the experience and knowledge to continue to work with other elected officials on the important issues facing both District 2 and the city of Sturgeon Bay. I feel like there is more good work to be done and look forward to another term as alderman of District 2.

What are the main issues facing the city, or your district, and how do you hope to address them?

Huston: Sturgeon Bay is facing many challenges and this space is not sufficient to discuss these issues. I invite my neighbors to reach out to me directly for more information.

My main concerns are housing and our downtown district's livability, walkability and development. Housing needs and affordability in the community are severe. Current zoning, permitting and other regulations limit what we can do to build and provide affordable housing. We must be creative in our strategies rather than building more subdivisions that are out of reach for the majority of the citizens in town. Additionally, short-term rentals are exacerbating these issues. They have a disastrous impact on housing availability and the vitality of our neighborhoods.

Statz: My campaign “platform” is simple: Work on positive growth for our community within the existing "footprint"; encourage development of community assets to improve efficiencies; continued open communication.

Other issues which I feel are important to residents include affordable housing supply, short-term rental regulation and the targeted use of tax increment districts to spur economic development. My re-election to the alderman seat in District 2 will allow me to continue to work on supporting initiatives which develop solutions and strategies to address these critical areas of concern. I appreciate and thank you for your vote.

District 6

Tom Benzshawel

Address: 1361 N. 11th Place

Age: 63

Current occupation/highest education level: Engineer. Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.

Tom Benzshawel
Tom Benzshawel

Public service experience: Five years as Sturgeon Bay District 6 Alderman (resigned to work at Sturgeon Bay Utilities). I actively participated in numerous committees and proudly chaired the Finance and Personnel committees.

Contact information: [email protected]

Seth Wiederanders

Address: 609 B N. 12th Ave.

Age: 51

Current occupation/highest education level: Certified mental health peer specialist, JAK’s Place, Sturgeon Bay High School graduate, some college credits,

Seth Wiederanders
Seth Wiederanders

Public service experience: In 2019 I was successful at getting two nonbinding referendum questions onto the local election ballots in Sturgeon Bay. The results showed that city voters were supportive of decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana. I subsequently introduced an ordinance change that was passed by City Council later that year.

Contact information: [email protected]; "Seth Wiederanders District 6" on Facebook; 920-495-1446.

Why are you running for office?

Benzshawel: As a homeowner and parent myself, I am deeply invested in maintaining Sturgeon Bay as a wonderful place to live and raise a family.

Wiederanders: I’m running for my fourth term on Sturgeon Bay City Council because I truly enjoy the work. I like serving our community as the voice of District 6. My years on council have given me a lot of insight into what city government is and how it works and I’ve found I really enjoy working with the public and our city staff. I like being the person that people think of when they have questions and concerns and I like working with Common Council to seek out answers and solutions.

Why are you the best candidate for this office?

Benzshawel: With over 43 years of deeply-rooted experience in this community, I understand the issues that matter most to you. With my diversified background and dedication to community service, I possess the necessary experience to serve as an effective alderman. If elected, I will prioritize listening to your concerns and work to ensure that your voice is heard in city decisions.

Wiederanders: I’m the best candidate for District 6 because I understand the job and I’m dedicated to the work. I know how to sit down and hash out solutions to all the day-to-day issues the city faces. I hardly ever miss council or committee sessions and I come to the table prepared. By the time an issue is in front of Common Council, I am as informed and up to speed as I can be.

What are the main issues facing the city, or your district, and how do you hope to address them?

Benzshawel: First and foremost, addressing the need for affordable housing is paramount. I plan to work closely with local stakeholders, developers and housing authorities to explore innovative solutions such as mixed-income housing developments, incentives for affordable housing construction, and partnerships with nonprofit organizations to increase the availability of affordable housing options.

Additionally, responsible management of developments is crucial to preserving the character and quality of life in Sturgeon Bay. While development is essential for economic growth, it must be carried out in a sustainable and thoughtful manner. If elected, I will advocate for comprehensive planning processes that prioritize community input, environmental sustainability and smart growth principles.

Wiederanders: I have had complaints from four different people in my district about speeding. People are wondering why they can’t have more of a police presence in their neighborhoods. They are concerned about their safety and the safety of their children and pets. We need to have a serious discussion about this ongoing issue, possibly at the newly formed Local Transportation Board.

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Sturgeon Bay City Council candidates discuss issues that matter to them