In rambling interview, Trump pronounces Biden 'a lost soul'

President Trump took a swipe at Joe Biden on Wednesday morning, calling the former vice president a “lost soul.”

Trump, who has also referred to the former vice president as “sleepy,” “Swampman” and “creepy,” made the remark during a phone interview on Fox Business after host Maria Bartiromo asked if the 2020 presidential election was a battle between capitalism and socialism.

“It looks like it, it looks like it, except Biden. Biden is a lost soul,” Trump said. “He doesn’t know where he is, I don’t think. He’s changing his views rapidly.”

Trump rambled through the interview, which ran for more than 45 minutes and past the scheduled end of Bartiromo’s show, occasionally talking over Bartiromo as she tried to bring him back on topic. He repeated claims that his 2016 campaign was spied on and suggested that Google is “trying to rig” next year’s election.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden. (Photos: Mark Wilson/Getty Images - Sean Rayford/Getty Images)
President Trump and Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden. (Photos: Mark Wilson/Getty Images; Sean Rayford/Getty Images)

The president has questioned Biden’s mental fitness since the former vice president entered the presidential race — suggesting Biden is “slower than he used to be” and “the weakest mentally” of the Democratic candidates.

Trump told Bartiromo that he plans to watch the Democratic primary debate Wednesday night during his flight to Japan for the G20 summit this week.

“It just seems very boring, but I’m going to watch it because I have to. That’s part of my life,” Trump said. “Do I want to watch these people? That’s a very unexciting group of people.”

Biden won’t be in the Wednesday night debate, but another major candidate Trump has traded barbs with will be — Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. Trump has repeatedly referred to Warren as “Pocahontas” after she claimed partial Native American ancestry.

Biden hasn’t responded to most of Trump’s attacks. After Trump repeated North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s insult in May that Biden was a “low IQ individual,” Biden’s campaign released a statement saying that the president’s remarks were “beneath the dignity of the office.”


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