CNN's Kaitlan Collins Burns Kayleigh McEnany For Calling Her An 'Activist'

CNN journalist Kaitlan Collins has no time for Kayleigh McEnany’s passive-aggressive B.S.

The White House correspondent even called out the White House press secretary on it to her face and on Twitter on Friday.

McEnany gave her first news briefing since Oct. 1, but only answered five questions before ending the news conference, according to RawStory.

When Collins tried to get McEnany to answer one more, the White House official smarmily replied, “I don’t call on activists.”

Collins snapped back: “I am not an activist and you haven’t taken questions since Oct. 1 and you just took about five, Kayleigh.”

She added: “That’s not doing your job, your taxpayer-funded job.”

You can see the exchange at the 6:13 mark of the video below:

But Collins wasn’t through. She took to Twitter to continue her critique of McEnany’s unwillingness to do the most basic part of her job: Answer the questions of reporters.

And, yes, a little shade was thrown.

McEnany hasn’t responded to Collins’ callout, but the CNN journalist did get lots of support.

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.