Kari Lake doubles down on her support for Arizona's 1864 abortion ban

Kari Lake is once again fully behind Arizona’s ghoulish 1864 near-total abortion ban.

For now.

As you’ll remember, before the Arizona Supreme Court upheld the old law, Lake was all for it.

On the day the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Lake said, “I’m incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that’s already on the books. I believe it’s ARS 13-3603 that will prohibit abortion in Arizona except to save the life of a mother. I think we’re going to be paving the way and setting course for other states to follow.”

Once the Arizona Supreme Court upheld the 160-year-old atrocity still on Arizona’s books, however, there was a huge public outcry, and Lake began back peddling, saying, “I oppose today’s ruling.”

She urged the governor and Legislature to come up with a “commonsense solution.”

Kari Lake flipped on abortion in Idaho

That is not what Lake said recently in Idaho, however.

When asked by the Idaho Dispatch why she softened her opinion on abortion, Lake flipped back to her old opinion.

(Or did she flop?)

She said in part, “The Arizona Supreme Court said this is the law of Arizona. But unfortunately the people running our state have said we’re not going to enforce it. So, it’s really political theater. We don’t have that law, as much as many of us wish we did.”

Unfortunately? We don’t have that law, as much as many of us wish we did?

Lake then tried to skitter away from the subject of the grotesque Civil War law by discussing the citizens’ initiative that will be on the Arizona ballot and that would put abortion rights into the state constitution. She expressed her burning desire to defeat it.

And then, I guess, we’d go back to 1864.

Reach Montini at [email protected].

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Kari Lake flips on support for 1864 abortion ban. Or is it flops?