Kim Kardashian Continues To Advocate For C-Murder To Get A New Trial

Kim Kardashian Continues To Advocate For C-Murder To Get A New Trial | Kevin Mazur/MG23 and Prince Williams via Getty Images
Kim Kardashian Continues To Advocate For C-Murder To Get A New Trial | Kevin Mazur/MG23 and Prince Williams via Getty Images

Kim Kardashian is continuing to speak up for Master P‘s brother, Corey ‘C-Murder’ Miller, who has been serving time in prison for allegedly murdering a 16-year-old boy in 2002. In a lengthy message she posted on social media on August 3, Kardashian urged her followers to repost if they believe Miller should get a new “day in court.”

“Corey Miller has spent 21 years in prison for a crime he did not commit, and his conviction is based entirely on the testimony of two men, whom the state dragged to trial just on material witness warrants…,” the reality TV star wrote on Twitter. “Those men have now sworn that their prior testimony was untrue. There is no remaining evidence that even suggests that Corey Miller is any more culpable than the hundreds of patrons who were at the Platinum Club on January 12, 2002, when Steve Thomas was tragically shot.”

The 42-year-old advocate also said the case was mishandled because the witnesses were harassed.

“The lead detective harassed multiple witnesses and mishandled the case to such a degree that the trial court had no choice but to grant Mr. Miller a new trial after he was convicted in 2003,” Kardashian continued in her post.

According to the global star, there were also issues at the start of his 2009 trial because Miller’s attorney “attempted to withdraw and complained he had not been paid in years.” As a result, the case was in the hands of “an attorney who made no effort to call favorable witnesses to testify,” according to Kardashian.

C-Murder wrote an Instagram post from the Elayn Hunt Correctional Center in St. Gabriel, Louisiana, to show his gratitude for Kardashian and her efforts.

“It’s been a fight, and long journey for Justice. Thank you @kimkardashian ???? and EVERYONE involved over the years (praying, advocating and believing) in my innocence,” he wrote.

Kardashian also spoke up for Miller in 2020.

“On January 18, 2002 a tragedy occurred when a young man was killed. The next day Corey Miller was arrested for the murder,” the mother of four tweeted at that time. “The jury convicted Corey 10-2 and he was sentenced him to life in prison. If his trial was today, the jury would have had to be unanimous for him to be convicted.”

Kardashian also said witnesses have recanted since his trial while “new evidence of his potential innocence has come to light, and there are claims of jurors being pressured into voting to convict.”

“True justice for the young man requires that the person who actually killed him be held responsible and that Corey Miller he returned home to his kids,” she wrote. My heart goes out to the family of Steve Thomas. “I can only imagine how hard this is and my intention is never to open up this painful wound but to help find the truth behind this tragedy.”

According to TMZ, Miller is charged with second-degree murder and he’s serving a life sentence. Kardashian hopes that Louisiana’s new law, which allows new factual evidence to be submitted, will help prove the rapper’s innocence.