What to know about Paulina Gutierrez, the pick to head the Milwaukee Election Commission

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson has nominated a new head of the city's Election Commission, a move that comes just six months before the November presidential election when the city's vote-counting operation will again be scrutinized nationally.

On May 6, Johnson announced he was replacing Executive Director Claire Woodall with her deputy, Paulina Gutiérrez.

More: Who is Claire Woodall? What to know about the Milwaukee election official being replaced

Gutiérrez declined to comment "out of respect for the confirmation process" that she must go through with council members.

Here are a few things to know about her professional background, according to her resume:

Deputy Director of City of Milwaukee Election Commission Paulina Gutierrez fixes a jammed tabulator containing ballots for the 2023 Wisconsin spring general election on April 4, 2023, at Central Count in Milwaukee.
Deputy Director of City of Milwaukee Election Commission Paulina Gutierrez fixes a jammed tabulator containing ballots for the 2023 Wisconsin spring general election on April 4, 2023, at Central Count in Milwaukee.

Gutiérrez joined the Milwaukee Election Commission as deputy in 2023

Gutiérrez was appointed deputy director of the city Election Commission in early 2023.

In that position, her responsibilities include leading voter services such as voter registration, absentee voting, system access management and campaign finance administration.

Gutiérrez's last job before the Milwaukee Election Commission was at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections

Gutiérrez worked at the state Department of Corrections as a legislative advisor from 2019 to 2023.

In that position, she was charged with leading legislative affairs for the agency, overseeing its responses to bill proposals and other actions of the state Legislature, and advising the agency's executive team and the Governor's Office "on any legislative activity and subsequent strategic planning related to corrections and criminal justice legislative proposals," her resume states.

In that position, she also played a key role in the local approval of a new youth prison on Milwaukee's northwest side that is part of a plan to close the state's current youth prison north of Wausau, Lincoln Hills School for Boys and Copper Lake School for Girls. The prison houses young people with the highest needs who have committed serious crimes or are repeat offenders.

The new prison was approved by the city's Common Council and Mayor Cavalier Johnson.

It is to be built at 7930 W. Clinton Ave. at the site of a former vehicle emissions inspection center.

Deputy Director of City of Milwaukee Election Commission Paulina Gutierrez calls out for the last count of the ballots from the 2023 Wisconsin spring general election on April 4, 2023, at Central Count in Milwaukee. Gutierrez has been nominated to become executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission
Deputy Director of City of Milwaukee Election Commission Paulina Gutierrez calls out for the last count of the ballots from the 2023 Wisconsin spring general election on April 4, 2023, at Central Count in Milwaukee. Gutierrez has been nominated to become executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission

Gutiérrez previously worked for the City of Milwaukee in a variety of positions

Gutiérrez worked for the city from 2011 to 2019 and held three positions in that time.

She was the regional coordinator for Mayors Against Illegal Guns in the Health Department from 2011 to 2013, legislative fiscal manager for the city's Intergovernmental Relations Division from 2013 to 2016 and emergency communications and policy director at the Fire and Police Commission from 2016 to 2019.

Gutiérrez has degrees from Alverno College, Marquette University

Gutiérrez obtained a bachelor's degree from Alverno College in business and management in 2005 and has advanced degrees and certificates from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Marquette University.

What is the confirmation process for Milwaukee mayoral cabinet positions like Election Commission executive director?

Gutiérrez's nomination by Johnson requires Common Council confirmation.

She will go before the council's Judiciary and Legislation Committee, which will provide a recommendation to the full council that will then vote on her nomination.

That is expected to happen in the coming months, as are hearings for other positions in the mayor's cabinet.

Alison Dirr can be reached at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: What to know about Paulina Gutierrez, pick to lead Milwaukee elections