Which Milwaukee streets have the worst potholes? Report the city's worst offenders

Maybe they've cost you a tire or an axle or a muffler. Maybe they've jolted you out of an otherwise peaceful drive. Or maybe, when they're bad enough, you've changed your route to avoid them.

Whatever the case may be, any experience with a sizeable pothole is one we'd rather avoid. To that end, we're hoping you can help us identify some of the worst potholes on Milwaukee streets so we can, hopefully, spare motorists some headaches — or a costly repair bill.

Fill out the survey below with your vote for the road, or roads, with the worst potholes in the city. Please include some contact information in case we want to reach out for more details.

We'll report back on the results. And, in the meantime, if you're up to it, you can report troublesome potholes to the city's department of public works. Here's how.

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: What Milwaukee streets have the most, worst potholes?