Mitch McConnell endorses Donald Trump, revealing just how weak and self-serving he truly is

Mitch McConnell, who has for years been referred to as the most powerful Republican in Washington, now stands exposed as the political coward he has always been. After practically destroying American democracy through his court stacking and obstruction of justice, McConnell's endorsement of the man he blamed for instigating the January 6 capitol insurrection, reveals just how weak and self-serving he truly is. He has left a lasting legacy but it's not of the great statesman he envisioned it would be.

—Scott B. Pulliam, 40071

Mitch McConnell put political power over democracy

Once again, Mitch McConnell put party affiliation and political power over democracy. Kentuckians understand our senior senator is skilled in muscling his way at the federal and state levels. We’ve witnessed McConnell endorse unqualified candidates for offices and appointments, finance their campaigns and wrangle needed votes for confirmations. McConnell’s best example is the recent conservative appointments to the Supreme Court. McConnell refused to follow procedures of The Constitution Article II Section 2 for one nominee and squeezed through a second appointment using partisan reasons.

He should have retired long ago: Mitch McConnell's politics are about power, not leadership.

No surprise McConnell endorsed Donald Trump for president. He previously stated he would endorse the Republican candidate. Trump is the same man whom McConnell claimed was morally responsible for the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol but refused to cast a conviction vote. The same man who has been indicted four times on ninety-one felony charges, who labeled McConnell “old crow” and repeatedly used a racial slur against McConnell’s wife.

Ending his leadership position, McConnell is touting the legacy he leaves. I question how history will remember the longest serving senator. Maybe as a skilled legislator who served the American people. Possibly as a partisan deceiver who only served himself and his party.

—Sharon McDonogh, 40126

President Donald Trump, left, brought Sen. Mitch McConnell up to the stage after Trump made remarks supporting former Gov. Matt Bevin's re-election campaign at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky. on Nov. 4, 2019.
President Donald Trump, left, brought Sen. Mitch McConnell up to the stage after Trump made remarks supporting former Gov. Matt Bevin's re-election campaign at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky. on Nov. 4, 2019.

Donald Trump is a proven fraud

I already knew that power was Mitch’s game. But now he’s leaving the stage, and even then he chooses to endorse a traitor to democracy and for America. Trump is proven to be a fraud and sexual abuser under the law and that is the beginning of his legal problems. Trump is a bad man. I’m shocked at the depth of Mitch McConnell's disdain for what is at stake here. It would have cost him nothing to finally have shown his patriotism, but even now at this crucial moment, no. It makes one wonder, no?

—Jane Foushee 40205

Surprised McConnell didn't endorse Trump sooner

No, it is not a surprise that Mitch McConnell endorsed Donald Trump. It is a surprise it took this long. For people who still value integrity and country over party, his words mean nothing. When he condemned Trump after the January 6 insurrection, holding him morally responsible, it meant nothing. When he said a month later he would support the Republican nominee, even the former president, it meant nothing. When he wrote in the Courier Journal community forum on Sunday, March 3, promoting the passage of the aide package to Ukraine and Israel and explicitly outlining the global implications if it didn't pass--his words meant nothing. His legacy has already been established— "A broken down, hack politician," like Donald Trump said, earlier this week. Sen. McConnell, please say no more.

—Steven P Morris, 47172

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This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: Trump is a proven fraud. Why must McConnell endorse him for president?