More Than 700 SAG-AFTRA Members Urge Union to Protect Pro-Palestine Colleagues From Being Blacklisted

More than 700 SAG-AFTRA members, including Mark Ruffalo, Cynthia Nixon, Susan Sarandon and Ramy Youssef, have signed an open letter urging union leaders to protect their colleagues with pro-Palestinian views from being industry blacklisted, while further condemning violence against journalists and reiterating their call for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war.

The group that published the letter, SAG-AFTRA and Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire, has been calling for an end to hostilities since the beginning of 2024, but had not yet publicly posted its latest missive as of Wednesday morning.

Though SAG-AFTRA issued a statement just days after the Oct. 7 condemning the terrorist attack on Israel, the cease-fire coalition has argued via press release that the union has “repeatedly ignored requests for a cease-fire statement, refusing to even meet with members.”

Actor and SAG-AFTRA National MENA Committee chair Amin El Gamal described being “ignored for months” and then receiving calls “in hushed tones” from union staff who promised meetings but never followed up.

“I saw this blatant double standard,” El Gamal said in a statement. “How can you mourn the loss of some kinds of people and not others — especially when you have such a diverse membership? You don’t get to cosplay equity and inclusion and then leave your most vulnerable members on read.”

Celebrities and working-class guild members advocating for a cease-fire have faced blacklisting, job loss and harassment — sometimes from high-level employers. One West Coast actor, who chose to remain anonymous to avoid further retaliation, said they were a target of a coordinated harassment campaign.

“We received a flood of hateful emails — some from well-known producers. I was scared for my career and my family’s safety,” they said. “It’s our union’s duty to protect us from this new McCarthyism, especially when we’re speaking up for human rights and our labor colleagues. Instead, it’s been deafening silence.”

Some SAG-AFTRA members have blasted the union’s approach to the conflict as “selective humanity” and “continuing Hollywood’s legacy of anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab racism,” according to the group.

“The erasure and vilification of Palestinians is nothing new,” Chicago actor Sarah Alami said. “I’m the daughter of a Nakba survivor and I’ve faced discrimination my entire career. People in our industry who show support for Palestine and basic human rights are met with retaliation. I want to be able to tell my family’s story without being discriminated against by my employers.”

Others said the union’s silence and lack of responsiveness are “symptoms of an ineffective and unsustainable top-down structure” that ignores member input.

“This undermines the solidarity we built with leadership during our historic strike last year, and threatens essential solidarity during our current Interactive strike,” SAG-AFTRA Washington-Mid Atlantic local board member and strike captain Gabriel Kornbluh said. “I’m losing faith in President [Fran] Drescher’s ability to lead our union down an equitable path. As a Jewish member, I say ‘not in my name’ to Israel’s war crimes and ‘not in my union’s name.’ If our leadership continues to align with the dehumanization of Palestinians — it’s a dereliction of our duty as both artists and unionists.”

The group is demanding that Drescher and guild leaders call for a permanent cease-fire, protect members from blacklisting and condemn violence against journalists.

“I and other Palestinian SAG-AFTRA members have family in Gaza that have been displaced multiple times and are still in imminent danger,” actor Emily Rose Debinie said. “The church where my relatives are sheltering was bombed and 12 died from the same family — including a baby who was killed under the rubble. For my union to ignore our pain feels like a betrayal.”

A SAG-AFTRA spokesperson did not immediately return TheWrap’s request for comment.

Read the full letter and list of signatories, below:

To Our Guild Leadership and Staff:

We are proud rank-and-file union and trade association members from every corner of our industry — working on screen, stage, set, and in the field — united in solidarity with the global call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a just, lasting peace. As artists and storytellers, we cannot stand idly by as our industry refuses to tell the story of Palestinian humanity.

Following SAG-AFTRA’s statement in sympathy with Israel regarding October 7, many SAG-AFTRA and sister guild members have watched in horror as the Israeli government wages a war of collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza — killing over 40,000 Palestinians, injuring over 90,000 more, forcibly displacing 2 million people, and openly targeting members of the press and their families. As the IDF continues its assault on “safe zones,” schools, and hospitals, and as civilians in Gaza die from starvation, dehydration, and lack of medical supplies and fuel, major human rights groups have labeled these acts as war crimes, human rights atrocities, and even genocide. The UN has described Gaza as a “graveyard for children” — and estimate that by mid-July “half of the population — more than a million people — could face death and starvation.” As of now, there is no end in sight — only escalation, death, and destruction.

Despite these clear violations of human rights and Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian land and lives, our union leadership has remained silent. Thus, they have made conditional which atrocities we choose to condemn and which innocent lives we choose to acknowledge and mourn. Moreover, SAG-AFTRA and nearly all our sister guilds have remained silent in the face of flagrant and unprecedented attacks on freedom of the press, including the deliberate targeting and murder of Palestinian journalists and their families by the IDF. The Committee to Protect Journalists has declared the war on Gaza “the deadliest period for journalists covering conflict since CPJ began tracking in 1992.” Some of those journalists were members of news organizations whose domestic affiliates are represented under SAG-AFTRA contracts. While SAG-AFTRA issued a public statement at the outset of the Ukraine war demanding that “journalists of all nations working in the war zone are kept safe,” its words now ring hollow if they only apply to some journalists of certain identities.

On December 13, 2023, Israeli forces attacked The Freedom Theatre in the Jenin refugee camp and kidnapped several of its members — fellow actors and directors, who have called for solidarity from theatre workers worldwide. Palestinian trade unions have called for international labor solidarity, reminding us that “the struggle for Palestinian justice and liberation is a lever for the liberation of all dispossessed and exploited people of the world.” Worldwide labor has heeded that call, including major Australian, British, Belgian, Indian, and American unions. On Nov 15, our British peer union, Equity UK, called for an immediate and lasting ceasefire, stating: “We send our solidarity to Palestinian artists suffering in the horrendous conditions created by Israeli bombing, occupation, and apartheid.” Since then, UAW International has called for a ceasefire and announced the formation of a Divestment and Just Transition working group; The Animation Guild (IATSE Local 839) became the first Hollywood union to call for a ceasefire in Gaza; five of the 10 largest American labor unions and federations have officially called for a ceasefire including the NEA (National Education Association), SEIU (Service Employees International Union), and the AFL-CIO; and unions collectively representing a majority of organized workers in the US formed The National Labor Network for Ceasefire. In July, 7 major unions representing over 6 million workers published a letter to President Biden demanding an arms embargo on Israel.

The global call for a ceasefire — from organized labor, artists and fellow SAG-AFTRA members, human rights groups, world leaders, and the majority of the American public — grows louder every day. And yet, our government continues to sponsor the Israeli forces’ assault on Palestinian civilians, and our industry union leadership still refuses to speak out. We reject this silence. Our calling as artists, news reporters, and storytellers is to bring truth to the world. To fight the erasure of life and culture. To unite for justice in the name of the most vulnerable among us. It’s exactly what we did during our historic strike in 2023.

We are the labor that built and sustains this business. When our leaders can’t stand up publicly for peace and justice, then we must do what we always do: organize, fight for change, and win. Our guild leadership must join the largest and most diverse peace movement in a generation — the integrity of our legacy demands nothing less. When confronted with genocide, oppression, and injustice, let us ring the bell for humanity and liberation. An injury to one is an injury to all.

We, the undersigned members of SAG-AFTRA, IATSE, WGA, Teamsters, DGA, AEA, AFM, Hollywood Basic Crafts, CSA, PGA, and more, demand our leadership issue a public statement calling for a permanent ceasefire, release of all hostages — both Palestinian and Israeli, and immediate funding and delivery of desperately needed humanitarian aid; to speak out against the targeting and killing of innocent Palestinian civilians, health workers, and our journalist colleagues; to condemn our industry’s McCarthyist repression of members who acknowledge Palestinian suffering; and to eliminate any doubt of our solidarity with workers, artists, and oppressed people worldwide.

In solidarity,

SAG-AFTRA & Sister Guild Members for Ceasefire

Mark Ruffalo — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ramy Youssef — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Rosie O’Donnell — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, National Board Member (Los Angeles)
Common — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Susan Sarandon — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Riz Ahmed — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer
Bruce Cohen — PGA + DGA (New York)
Busy Philipps — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Griffin Dunne — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Kendrick Sampson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Houston)
Saul Williams — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Cynthia Nixon — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Indya Moore — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Haaz Sleiman — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sara Ramirez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Lexi Alexander — DGA + WGA (West)
Michael Malarkey — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Atlanta)
Bex — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Bobbi Menuez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Atsuko Okatsuka — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Lorenza Izzo — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Richa Moorjani — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Leo Sheng — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Poppy Liu — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Fawzia Mirza — SAG-AFTRA + WGA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Sarah Alami — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Isis King — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Zion Moreno — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin — Journalist (New York)
Jenny Yang — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Willam — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
E.R. Fightmaster — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Angelica Ross — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Atlanta)
Najla Said — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
James Schamus — PGA (New York)
Sarah Sophie Flicker — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Reynaldo Pacheco — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Amrit Kaur — SAG-AFTRA, ACTRA, CAEA Actor/Performer (New York)
John P Connolly — SAG-AFTRA + AEA — Nat’l President AFTRA 2001–07; Executive Director Actor’s’ Equity 2007–10; SAG Nat’l Board 1995–2000; VP LA Fed of Labor; AFL-CIO Board; Trustee AFTRA H&R 1990–2007; Equity Leagur H& R 2007–10
Tala Ashe — SAG-AFTRA/AEA Performer + Committee Member (New York)
Lexi Underwood — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
James Tang — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Yasmine Al Massri — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
River L Ramirez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + WGA East (New York)
Sagan Chen — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Zoe Chao — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Dylan Adler — WGA West + SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Jordan Hull — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Waleed Zuaiter — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Haley Webb — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Bex Marsh — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Mayor Konstantine Anthony — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + SEIU 2015 — Burbank City Council + Former Mayor of Burbank (Los Angeles)
Carl Clemons-Hopkins — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jared Goldstein — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Taylor Trensch — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Dr. Daniel Lee — Former Mayor of Culver City, Former SAG-AFTRA Member (Los Angeles)
Davida Williams — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Cherien Dabis — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Augustus Prew — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tarek Zohdy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Vico Ortiz — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Mercedes Mason — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Jacob Tobia — WGA West-LGBTQ + Writers CMTE, Middle Eastern Writers CMTE (Los Angeles)
Lola Blanc — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tai Brown —Founder & CEO of Jan 22 Productions, SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ruba Kharuf — IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Deanne Reynolds — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Shalita Grant — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Matthew Scott Montgomery — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Amel Khalil — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Abeal Siddiq — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Kate Ziegler — ACTRA Actor/Performer, Toronto Council Vice President (Toronto)
Tiffany Yvonne Cox — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles) — Nat’l Next Gen CMTE, Nat’l EEOC, Co-VP Women’s CMTE
Nicole Cyrille — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — Chair, SAG-AFTRA LA Performers With Disabilities (PWD) CMTE — Vice Chair, SAG-AFTRA National PWD CMTE (Los Angeles)
Gabriel Kornbluh — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — Strike Captain, Local Board Member + Nat’l NextGen CMTE (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
Lizbeth P McManus — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
Amin El Gamal — SAG-AFTRA/AEA Actor/Performer — Vice Chair SAG-AFTRA MENA Committee (Los Angeles)
Kate Bond — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — LA Local Board Member, Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Jillian Clare — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — LA Local Board Member; LA Co-Chair Young Performers Committee; LA Vice Chair Next Gen Committee; National YPC Member; LA Organizing Committee Member; Strike Captain; Convention Delegate
Sunil Malhotra — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — LA Organizing CMTE (Los Angeles)
Vanita Kalra — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — LA CommunicationsCMTE (Los Angeles)
Kylie Sparks — SAG-AFTRA/AEA Actor/Performer — Strike Captain + NextGen Performers Cmte Member (Los Angeles)
Alan Starzinski — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — Strike Captain + Convention Delegate— Los Angeles)
Keith Flippen — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — Strike Captain + Local Board Member (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
Iris Liu — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Cheyenne Perez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Co-Vice Chair of LA Organizing Committee, Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Jerry Winsett — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer — Strike Captain + Local Board Member (Washington-Mid Atlantic, North Carolina/South-Central Virginia/West Virginia)
Peter Carellini — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (New York)
Kendall Mayhew — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Olivia Killingsworth — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (New York)
Danice Cabanela — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Parvesh Cheena — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer-INDIE CMTE Vice Chair (Los Angeles)
Christian Telesmar SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer — Local Board Member (LA Local), National Delegate, Vice Chair LA Strike Preparedness Committee
Mike C. Nelson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Brandi Nicole — SAG-AFTRA + WGA Strike Captain (Memphis/Los Angeles)
Britt Harris — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Emily Goss — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Billy Peck — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, Strike Captain (New York)
Ellen Crawford — SAG-AFTRA + AEA National Organizing Committee chair, VP on Executive Council of CA Labor Federation, Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Sonja Roden — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Cailey Calisi — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Mary M Flynn — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, Strike Captain, Committee Member — OPEIU 174 (Los Angeles)
Kimberly Joy McBride — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Lynhthy Bless — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, National Asian Pacific American Media (APAM) Committee, National Commercial Performers Committee (CPC) — (Los Angeles)
Franchesca Fojas — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Local Next Gen Performers Committee Co-chair (Chicago)
Hugo Martin — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (New England)
Iona Leighton — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, EEO & Diversity Cmte Member (Atlanta)
Clarke Fitzsimmons — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Demetri Belardinelli — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, Strike Captain, LA Local Organizing, Commercial Performers Committee
Tobias Haller — IATSE 481, Vice President (New England)
Olga Lexell — WGA West, WGA Strike Captain
Olivia Harewood — SAG-AFTRA/WGA West Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Estee Chandler — SAG-AFTRA Broadcaster (Los Angeles)
Seychelle Gabriel — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Peri Lapidus — WGA West
Anar Virji — SAG-AFTRA Broadcaster (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
Alison Klayman — DGA (New York)
Teri Gamble — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Karyn Casl — CSA-Teamsters Local 817 (New York)
Carolina ?? — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Josh Thomas — WGA West
Elizabeth Ayoob — Teamsters Local 399 (Los Angeles)
Keegan Farrell — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (San Diego)
Tanya Hutchins — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
Emily Rose Debinie — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Silas Howard — DGA West (Los Angeles)
Dave Merheje — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nitaawe Banks — Production Assistants United Chicago Coordinator + WGAE Pre-Member (Chicago)
Ellie Forman — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
Pamela Talese — IATSE Local 829
Nayab Hussain — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Junes Zahdi — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Andy Kennedy-Derkay — IATSE Local 600
Arly Jover — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Toni Robison-May — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jen White — IATSE Local 600
Sara Salazar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Colorado)
Shonita Joshi — AEA/SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Edward Hong — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Crystal Rivers — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Stephen Turselli — DGA (Pittsburgh)
Valida — SAG-AFTRA Broadcaster (Los Angeles)
Ainsley Seiger — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Dominic Rains — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Kristín Hansen — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New Mexico)
Ali Nasser — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Brendan Aanes — IATSE Local 829 (New York)
Roy Koshy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Omar Moustafa Ghonim — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Léo Bontempelli — Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques (France)
Polly Adams — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ashley Dougherty — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Atlanta)
Kausar Mohammed — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ronnie Malley — AEA Performer (Midwest — IL)
Kimberly Marable — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Brandy Zapata — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Hala Gabriel — PGA Documentary CMTE (Los Angeles)
Usman Ally — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Marisa Brown — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sadieh Rifai — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Anna Khaja — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Madeline Weinstein — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Paul Soileau — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Keaton Savage — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tihda Vongkoth — AFM, President – Local Local 427–721 (Florida)
Audrey Dundee Hannah — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Becky Poole — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Rasha Zamamiri — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Bri Giger — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
David Pesta — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ruba Thérèse Mansouri — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Charlie Cromer — AEA Performer (Midwest)
Alison Roy — IATSE 891, Supervisor (British Colombia, Canada)
Samy Figaredo — SAG-AFTRA/AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Marla Louissaint — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Sabina Zú?iga Varela — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Adam El-Sharkawi — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Michelle Flanagan — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Atlanta)
Colin Buckingham — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Dina Shuhaiber — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
April Matthis — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Shakina Nayfack — SAG-AFTRA, DGA, WGA West (Los Angeles)
Tobit Raphael Capati — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jenny Soo — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ankita Raturi — DGA Associate Member (New York)
Shalini Bathina — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Josh Hamilton — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Jihad Milhem — AEA Performer (Western Region AEA)
Rudy Roushdi — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Bronwyn Reed — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Alex MacNicoll — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Anastasia Coon — Former SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer LGBTQ Committee Member (Los Angeles)
Christy Escobar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Sharmita Bhattacharya — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Samantha Posey — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Matthew Horn — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Adam Dix — Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Andy Lucien — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Michael Ruesga — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nana Mensah — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Kristina Denton — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Hawaii)
Emmett Preciado — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jessica Blank — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Monnie Aleahmad — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Marisa Dzintars — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ty Foster — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Mouzam Makkar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Kenzo Lee — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Samantha Youssef — ASIFA Hollywood + Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Feodor Chin — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
George Abud — AEA Performer (New York)
Ian Bell — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Paul Lincoln — AEA Performer (New York)
Rafael Goldstein — AEA Performer (Los Angeles)
Clea Alsip — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ramsey Faragallah — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Rula Gardenier — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Alex O’Keefe — WGA West (Los Angeles)
Reem Ali Adeeb — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Katie Pelensky — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Rebecca Lowman — AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jason Ko — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Thom Rivera — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Emmylou Barden — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Alejandro Raya — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Allison Smith — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839-Captain (Los Angeles)
Jason Tate — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (New York)
Abe Bueno Jallad — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Arianne Villareal — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Kat K — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Celeste Den — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Manee Leija — IATSE 705 (Pre-Member)
César Carmona — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Yazmin Monét Watkins — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Caitlin Frain — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jeannie Bolét — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Kenny Savoca — IATSE Local 161 (NYC)
Mona Ibrahim — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Aly Mawji — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
John Barrack — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Deepti Gupta — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Charlene Geisler — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jason Avalos — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, NALIP, Somos Life Member (Los Angeles)
Bri Holland — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Yaser Salamah — AGVA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nardeep Khurmi — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Mariah Dyson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Quei Tann — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Calvin Seabrooks — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jemar Michael — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Cheyenne Amber — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member Actor/Performer (New York)
Samantha Ashley — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Derrick Shirley — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Joe Filippone — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sara Mountjoy-Pepka — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Kelsey Kinney — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Amanda Troop — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
S. Deming — AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Aliza Pearl — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Chelsea Moore — IATSE (Eastern)
Farah Merani — ACTRA, CAEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Mike Bash — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Emily Hardy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Randa Jarrar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Autry Haydon-Wilson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Alina Carson — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member Actor/Performer (New York)
Stephan Schubert — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Fabianne Gst?ttenmayr — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Danny Garcia — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Renni Pollock — IATSE Local 600 (Chicago)
Nick Smoke — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Victoria Johnson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Hannah Gross — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Jennifer Dean — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Anna Dale-Meunier — IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Claire Amadea — IATSE Local 488 Studio Mechanics (Pacific Northwest)
Rasika Mathur — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Houston/Austin)
Sallie Merkel — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ale Flores — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer
Noa Graham — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Christina Johnson — IATSE Local 705 + 892 (Los Angeles)
Alroy Mellor — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Philadelphia)
Katie Jayne Earl — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Salla Lintonen — N?yttelij?liitto Finnish Actors Union Actor/Performer (Helsinki/Paris)
Kelsey Wooley — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Tuisdi Layne — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Shaan Dasani — DGA + SAG-AFTRA (Los Angeles)
Cynthia Yelle — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
J Allard — WGA Pre-Member
Behzad Dabu — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Elianne Melendez — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Abraham E.S. Rebollo-Trujillo — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New England)
Ingrid Sophie Schram — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Miranda Davidson — CSA (Los Angeles)
Lucia Pier — IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Nasser Samara — WGA West + SAG-AFTRA (Los Angeles)
Alex Gracie — IATSE Local 728 (Los Angeles)
MoniQue Rangell-Onwuegbuzia — AEA (West)
Kestrel Farin Leah — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Josiah Knight — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Nashville)
Brenda Covarrubias — IATSE Local 705
Sam Balzac — AEA (East)
Michael Cavadias — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Zilah Mendoza — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Connor Dante — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Cait Willson — IATSE Local 44 (Los Angeles)
Ben Snyder — WGA East
Yuly Mireles—SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Blair Brienza — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles/Vancouver)
Brendan Kierans — IATSE Local 16 – Executive & Examining Boards, CLC Delegate
Ellen Nielsen — IATSE Local 44 (Los Angeles)
Elana Esquivel — IATSE
Lex Levy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sean Hayashi — IATSE Local 44 (Los Angeles)
ML Roberts — AEA
Stephanie Wong — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Farah Merani — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles) — Former Co-Chair of the Diversity Committee — ACTRA Toronto
Jin Park — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Katie McQuillan — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (New York)
Tracy Clifton — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Alexis Molnar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Kaitrin Snodgrass — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
J Jung — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Robert Patrick Paterno, Jr. — SAG-AFTRA, ASFCME, Strike Captain (Los Angeles)
Eden Lee — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Atlanta)
James Lambert — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Will Johnson — Dramatists Guild (New York)
Elianne Melendez — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839-CMTE Member and Shop Steward (Los Angeles)
Doc Reingold — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Dorian Burks — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Jay Falconer — CTA Local 273
Amanda Donahue — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Mason Flink — WGA West-Captain (Los Angeles)
Claire Norris — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839-Negotiation CMTE Member (Los Angeles)
Annie Klups — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Candace Allen — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jose Francisco Negrete — Teamsters Local 952 (CA)
Eliza Gill — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Melody Iza — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Katie Malone — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Alexis Simpson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tori Lassman — IATSE Local 52 (New York)
Madi Goff — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Yassir Masri Lester — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Kennedy Jensen — AGVA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nneka Atto — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Randi Hokett — IATSE Local 44 (Los Angeles)
Stephanie Potakis — SAG-AFTRA Signatory Producer (Chicago)
J. Isadora Krech — IATSE Local 829 (New York)
Lameece Issaq — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Liliana Ek — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Justin Usami — IATSE Local 728 (Los Angeles)
Jeny Vega — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Jill Salaver — IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Zo? Bowen Smith — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Sabrina Liu — AEA (Los Angeles)
Nick Perdue — IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Melinna Bobadilla — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Miles Purinton — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Nicholas Waggoner — IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Natalie Robin — IATSE Local 829 (New York )
Destiny Renee — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Atlanta)
Kris Mukai — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Elias Acevedo — WGA East
Rasha Zamamiri — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Erica Elam — AEA (Nashville)
Shina Morris-Fisher — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Sarah Whelden — IATSE Local 600 (Los Angeles)
Dan Kitrosser — WGA East (Philadelphia)
Gustavo Márquez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
J.M. Holmes — WGA East
Alex Ubokudom — AEA (New York)
Madhuri Shekar — WGA East
Paul J Carli — IATSE Local 764
Rama Vallury — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
David McMahon — IATSE Local 52
Evan Lewis — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Cat Yezbak — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
JP Karliak — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, National Voiceover Committee (Los Angeles)
Alex Denney — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Krista Unverferth — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nandini Bapat — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Raymond Arturo Perez — WGA West (Los Angeles)
Danny Bryck — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Teddy Ricker — IATSE Local 764
Linn Bjornland — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ali Schouten-Seeks — WGA West (Los Angeles)
Lynn Andrews — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Emily Nadeau — IATSE Local 764
Christine Corpuz — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Gabriela Pe?ú?uri — IATSE Local 44
Jules Chianelli — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Eileen álvarez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ben Natan — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Osh Ashruf — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Kelsey Ledgerwood — IATSE Local 764
Taryn Akemi Look — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Emjoy Gavino — AEA Actor/Performer (Chicago/Minneapolis)
Laura Campbell — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jeff Horta — IATSE Local 829 (New York)
Merlin Whitehawk — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Erin Stamos — IATSE Local 764 + 665
Johanna Griesé — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Alison Evans — IATSE Local 764
Halei Parker — CDG IATSE 892
Tiffani Moreno — CDG IATSE 892
Alex Feld — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Erica Suzanne Scott — IATSE Local 764
Cassie Kramer — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Erica Rosbe — WGA West (Los Angeles)
Ali Andre Ali — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Sumalee Montano — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Timothy Farrell — DGA (Chicago)
Charlene Modeste — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Aidan O’Connor — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Bailey Carr — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Mira Khaziran — EMC/AEA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Sarah Busic — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Morgan Bailey Keaton — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jennifer Chang — SAG-AFTRA, AEA, SDC, AGMA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Emily Long — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Dallas)
Aryn Rozelle — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sena Bryer — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Emeri Chase — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (San Francisco/North Cal)
Kia Joon — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Ely Henry — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Erin Nicole Lundquist — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Dallas)
Jasmyne Peck — WGA West
Barbara Howlin — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Laura Ann Tull — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Hazel Lozano — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Eli Diaz Idris — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Los Angeles)
Megan Phonesavanh — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Rinska Carrasco — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
David Gonzalez — IATSE Local 80
Kristina Perez — IATSE Local 829
Kario Marcel — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Anya Whelan-Smith — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Venk Modur — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Iman Nazemzadeh — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sammy Sheik — Equity UK
Izzi Rojas — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Aaron Costa Ganis — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Amaia Arana — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Kamran Saliani — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ammar Ramzi Mahmood — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Liz Mina — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Lisa Cordileone — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Brenda Covarrubias — IATSE Local 705
Katrina Songco — IATSE ADG Local 800 Pre-Member
Nikita Chaudhry — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Fajer Al-Kaisi — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Wiley Naman Strasser — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Anna LaMadrid — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Elliott Feliciano — WGA West
Diana Gonzalez-Morett — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (New York)
Shawn Jain — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Aizzah Fatima — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Mostafa Elmorsy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sue Shaheen — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
David Huynh — AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Yasmeen Barghouty — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Portland)
Jason Soudah — IATSE Local 49
Lauren Dobbins Webb — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Hosam Solaiman — IATSE Local 871
Conner Good — WGA West
Ellen D Williams — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Chastity Dotson — SAG-AFTRA + WGA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Daya Vaidya — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Don Wallace — SAG-AFTRA + WGA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Barbie Wu — AEA Actor/Performer (Oregon)
Caitlin Nasema Cassidy — AEA (Northeast)
Sorika Wolf — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Julia Prud’homme — SAG-AFTRA + WGA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles/Seattle)
Yonatan Gebeyehu — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Sean F Toohey — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Portland, OR)
Justin Bonilla — WGA West
Lidiya Korotko — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Julian Claborn — IATSE Local 700
Chivonne Michelle — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Gillian Cooper — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Alexandra L. Adera — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tyrone Quiamboa — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Kennedy Kabasares — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Amara J. Brady — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Lindsay Katai — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ryan Purcell — Artistic Director, AEA Theater
Sandy Issa Balat — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Zaineb Abdul-Nabi — IATSE Local 700
Aury Krebs — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Conrad Woolfe — Teamsters Local 399
Shae Popovich — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Rom Barkhordar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Peter Smith — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Quran Squire — DGA (West)
Sarah Siadat — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Lisa Ermel — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Connor Kelly-Eiding — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Christopher Livingston — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Garret Lord — IATSE Local 161
Michelle Talgarow — AEA Actor/Performer (Northern California)
Hani Al Naimi — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Brian Rubiano — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Sunita S Mukhi — AEA, SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (Los Angeles)
Ari Khatib — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Pilisa Nicolette Mackey — SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (Pennsylvania)
Evan Vihlen — SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (Atlanta)
August Fox — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Arianne Villareal — AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jasmine Robinson — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Micah Coate — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Roan Everly — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 — Storyboard Craft Captain (Los Angeles)
Tyler Dimant — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Hamzah — CSA + SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Stacey Hummell — IATSE Local 706
Mari Vial-Golden — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Dina El-Aziz — IATSE Local 829
April Harris — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Eve Danzeisen — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Geeta Citygirl — SAG-AFTRA + AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Matt Chute — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nialla LeBouef — WGA East
Matthew Espiro Jaeger — AEA (Los Angeles)
Sarah Corey — AEA Actor/Performer (Washington-Mid Atlantic)
June Zhang — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Amari Becker — IATSE Local 487
Joy Mamey — IATSE Local B-192
Lorraine Atoui — NEA
Byron Merrill — The Animation Guild IATSE Local 839 (Los Angeles)
Jesse Roth — AEA/IATSE Theater Company Worker (Seattle)
Manon De Francesco — IATSE 487
Jim Jedeikin — AFM Local 7 Orange County Musicians
Kiki Hallebo — IATSE 111 Cmte Member
Becca Khalil — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tee Smith — IATSE 489
Gaia Bethel-Birch — IATSE 487
Grant Chapman — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ashley-Chynel Stevenson — IATSE 487
Garrett Turner — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Lydia Milano — IATSE 487
Hilary Rasch — ITASE Local 161 Training Coordinator
Conor Hammonds — PGA Staff
Quinlan Corbett — AEA Actor/Performer (Seattle)
Alejandro Cardenas — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jenna Bosco — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Riham El-Ounsi — WGA West
Andrea Negrete — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
An-lin Dauber — IATSE Local 829
Cristina Frías — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jess Harbeck — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sahar Dika — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Ashlyn Lozano — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Helen Joo Lee — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Jaya Subramanian — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, Committee Member (Los Angeles)
Saudia Rashed — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, Committee Member (Los Angeles)
Sharmila Devar — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, Committee Member (Los Angeles)
Daniel Ajak — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Chicago)
Miriam Arghandiwal — IATSE Local 871
David Carmon — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Parker Guidry — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Missy Aguilar — AEA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Pallavi Sastry — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Marc Jablon — AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Mirirai — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Melissa ODonnell — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Michelle Pauls — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Philadelphia)
Brenna DiStasio — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Omer Abbas Salem — AEA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Marcus Dillon — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member (Seattle)
Provvidenza Catalano — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jacob DeMonte-Finn — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Marissa Carpio — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, APAM Committee (New York)
Clare Starrs — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Ruth Livier — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Committee Member (Los Angeles)
Emily Pando — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Arti Ishak — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Chicago)
Dereck Diaz — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Elizabeth Rivers Cassedy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Adenrele Ojo — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Philadelphia)
Katie Mack — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Torian Brackett — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer, LA Organizing CMTE (Los Angeles)
Brian Calì — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Quincy Surasmith — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Sarah Foret — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Katy Habib — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Lauree Martell — IATSE Local 44
Sechita McNair — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + IATSE Local 479 (Atlanta)
Rolla Selbak — SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (Los Angeles)
Sol Marina Crespo — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Cindy Alfonso — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Nyaling Marenah — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Twinkle Burke — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Clare Lopez — SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (Florida)
Elena Campbell-Martínez — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Stephan Godleski — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Corey Clifford — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Michael Cassidy — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Chiara Motley — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Seattle)
James Tison — AEA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Zainne Saleh — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Michal Sinnott — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Dustin Vuong Nguyen — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Dee Beasnael — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Theo Devaney — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ivana Fischer — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Committee Member (New York)
Kirsten Pfeifer — DGA (New York)
Megan Beattie — SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (Los Angeles)
Alyssa Jones — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ahmed Lucan — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Atlanta)
Sabrina Aziz — SAG-AFTRA Pre-member (New York)
Joi Symone — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Julian A. Colon — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer + Committee Member
Mike Lee — IATSE Local 13
Reagan Lopez — AEA Actor/Performer (New York)
Ashley Mayers — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Khiyon Hursey — WGA West (Los Angeles)
Sotheara Chhay — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Tamika Katon-Donegal — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Otis Wolodarsky — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Tate Nova — DGA (New York)
Nona Catusanu — IATSE Local 600 (New York)
Noga Wind — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Jesse Amorratanasuchad — IATSE Local 600 (New York)
Margaret Hsian — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Erika Ross — AEA (Maryland)
Basel Daoud — ACTRA Actor/Performer (Toronto)
Carly Tatiana Pandza — SAG-AFTRA Pre-Member + EMC (Los Angeles)
Maya Forbes — DGA (Los Angeles)
Caro Dubberly — AEA (Washington, DC)
Garrett Coffey — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Lauren Flans — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (Los Angeles)
Devin Thomas — IATSE 481 NE Studio Mechanics (Massachussetts)
Ariel Blake — SAG-AFTRA Actor/Performer (New York)
Matthew Crain — Hollywood Basic Crafts IATSE Local 871 (Los Angeles)
Rodd Cyrus — AEA (New York)
…and more Anonymous signers not listed

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