MPS seeks new superintendent and comptroller as it submits late reports to state

Milwaukee School Board members said Wednesday that they have submitted one of the four missing reports they owe to the state Department of Public Instruction and are working in the rest, with the help of a financial consultant, following the departure of the district's superintendent and comptroller.

Board members took only two questions at their press conference, upsetting reporters who have been unable to get details on why the district's financial reports have not been turned in to state officials, more than eight months after they were due.

"People have asked why and how we've experienced these issues," Board President Marva Herndon said. "I can tell you we're investigating and we will provide updates as soon as we're able to do so."

Herndon said the district submitted its budget data from the 2023-24 school year to the state Department of Public Instruction on Monday. The district is waiting for DPI to review and comment on that data, Herndon said.

"Our staff has been working around the clock in partnership with the Department of Public Instruction, our financial consultant, our auditor to get this work done," Herndon said.

Herndon said the district is also "ahead of schedule" in completing a corrective action plan. To avoid a suspension in state funding, DPI required that MPS provide an action plan on how it would complete its missing financial reports. Herndon said the district submitted a draft plan to DPI on Wednesday afternoon.

MPS could identify interim superintendent next week

Board Vice President Jilly Gokalgandhi said the board is searching for an interim superintendent and planned to consider possible candidates at a closed-session meeting next week. She said a list of potential candidates would be shared with the public after that meeting.

After an interim superintendent is in place, Gokalgandhi said the board would launch a national search for a permanent superintendent.

Until the interim superintendent is selected, MPS Southwest Regional Superintendent Eduardo Galvan is leading the district in its day-to-day operations, Gokalgandhi said.

MPS is working to fill comptroller position

Gokalgandhi also said MPS would launch a search to fill its comptroller position "as quickly as possible."

Alfredo Balmaseda told the Journal Sentinel that he worked his last day for the district Tuesday, but didn't say whether he resigned or was terminated. He said he had done nothing wrong.

"I’m not the disease. I was the cure," Balmaseda said. "Or I was trying to be the cure. Now they don't have a cure."

Balmaseda said there was no "mismanagement" or missing funds, and he had been trying to address accounting problems.

"We were trying to fix severe issues with the district's accounting," Balmaseda said.

MPS plans to consider passing budget next week

Gokalgandhi said the board plans to consider taking action on the budget next week.

"We know that our employees want to know what resources will be in place for them for advance of next school year, and we are committed to providing that information as soon as possible," Gokalgandhi said.

Contact Rory Linnane at [email protected]. Follow her on X (Twitter) at @RoryLinnane

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: MPS seeks new superintendent and comptroller, submits report to state