Nikki Haley wins Vermont's Republican primary

Nikki Haley and Gov. Phil Scott embrace when he brings her on stage
Nikki Haley and Gov. Phil Scott embrace when he brings her on stage

Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley wins her second primary and first state, courtesy of Vermont. She leads former President Donald Trump 49.7% to 46 % with 83% of the vote tabulated according to Associated Press.

While Trump maintains a lead in every other state, charging towards the Republican nomination, Haley's triumph in Vermont marks her second victory in the primaries. Political pundits had pointed to Vermont as Haley's best chance to win a state, especially given its history of favoring moderate Republican candidates. Adding to that advantage, she received a crucial endorsement from Vermont Gov. Phil Scott (R) over the weekend.

According to University of Vermont political science professor Alex Garlick, "Vermont has a history of favoring moderate Republican candidates, and she got the endorsement of Governor Scott over the weekend. I don't think that makes her a favorite, but she has her best shot."

Vermont's primary operates on a winner-takes-all basis, offering 17 delegates to the candidate who secures 50% or more of the statewide vote. Otherwise, the delegates will be divided among Haley and Trump.

It remains unclear if Haley will ultimately finish above the 50% threshold.

Just two days prior, Haley made history by winning the Republican primary in Washington D.C., becoming the first woman ever to achieve this milestone.

Jeremy Yurow is a politics reporting fellow based in Hawaii for the USA TODAY Network. You can reach him at [email protected] or on X @JeremyYurow

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Nikki Haley wins Vermont in Super Tuesday surprise