Opinion: Vote for 3rd-party candidate RFK Jr. could have disastrous consequences

Voting is a fundamental way for Americans to express their values and beliefs. It's understandable why some might consider third-party candidates, especially if they feel disillusioned with the two-party system or as a protest against a candidate or party. In recent elections, third-party candidates have influenced outcomes, but not necessarily in a way that third-party voters may have wanted. Remember the "butterfly effect" of a vote — small choices can have big consequences.

Ralph Nader's candidacy in 2000 drew votes away from Al Gore, potentially tipping the balance in favor of George W. Bush. How ironic that Nader's platform aligned closely with Gore's goals on climate change, which Gore would have prioritized had he won. It underscores the importance of considering the broader implications of voting decisions, especially in close elections.

In the contentious 2016 election, many factors contributed to the outcome. Jill Stein's candidacy, along with division among Bernie Sanders supporters, likely had an impact on the final result. It's vital to reflect on what might have been if things had turned out differently. The chaos and divisiveness of recent years highlight the importance of carefully considering the consequences of our voting decisions.

This year, RFK Jr.’s efforts to get on the ballot have been exceptionally deceptive. Many of those gathering signatures for him nationally and even here in Buncombe County do not mention RFK Jr. at all, but instead they’re asking people to sign if they favor independent or progressive candidates on the ballot.

It's understandable why some might be drawn to the Kennedy name and legacy, but the majority of the Kennedy family is vehemently against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy. His views and platform do not align with the values traditionally associated with the Kennedy family. Voting for him could indeed have unintended, disastrous consequences. At this time, polls indicate that a vote for RFK Jr. will very likely lead to a Donald Trump victory.

Voters must weigh their ideals against the practical realities of the current political landscape. There may come a time when a third-party candidate has a compelling message with the knowledge and experience worthy of your vote. Sadly, this is not that time. Mr. Kennedy has little to offer other than his name and some extreme views that stand to harm our country.

Voting is indeed a sacred and personal privilege, allowing individuals to express their values and principles. However, it's crucial to balance that expression with the practical implications of  every vote. This year, the stakes are so high. A Trump victory could lead to further attacks on our democratic institutions, which is why voters must carefully consider the broader consequences of their choices at the ballot box.

The impact of the U.S. presidency on global affairs cannot be overstated. The president’s policies and actions have significant implications, especially in conflict zones like Gaza and Ukraine. Trump's approach could indeed exacerbate tensions and worsen the situations in these regions. His track record of aligning with authoritarian regimes raises concerns about his approach to international affairs. Many voters are taking these factors into account as they consider the potential consequences of their vote.

Margins may be historically slim this year. Only an overwhelming popular vote victory can prevent another onslaught of unsubstantiated lawsuits challenging the results. This year, please remember that no candidate can match every voter’s ideals and goals 100%. You can be angry or disagree with some policies and actions while also agreeing with many others. The Democratic Party is making progress on education, gun safety, economic recovery and climate preservation while fighting for restoration of reproductive, LGBTQ+ and voting rights. If Democrats win the presidency and both houses of Congress, we will finally be able to legislate more effectively in favor of the working families of America. I urge you to vote for the candidates that stand for these important values for our great country rather than voting in protest and possibly helping open the door to a dictatorship.

More: RFK Jr. draws 600 in Asheville; talks housing, corporate control, Ukraine; not Israel

More: Opinion: NY Times poll shows Trump tops Biden for 2024; but still too soon to tell

Kathie Kline
Kathie Kline

Kathie Kline is Chair of the Buncombe County Democratic Party. She has lived in Asheville with her husband Robert Kline for over 40 years. A retired teacher and studio potter, Kline divides her time between her four young grandchildren and volunteering to make a difference for their future.

This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Opinion: Vote for RFK Jr. could lead to a Donald Trump victory